Chapter 5

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I want to hurt him,crush him with my hand wrapped around his neck. I wanted to kill him for making me feel like this but I couldn't.

His eyes were placed on me like some fool. He told his mother something thag will make me furious in hell, he left me like some idiot to care for his child inside of me as he left to have his fun.

Then that skinny girl Kate was on his arm angry but tearful as well. Kate gave me a look which shows he probably told her and not his family first, what an idiot.

"Anya, I will need you here as well." He said.

"Why do you need Anya?" His mother asked and she just knew something was up if I was needed.

"Mom, Anya is pregnant with my child." He says.

"Wait what? You are pregnant?" She was shocked.

"Guilty." I felt this pit inside of my system telling me to run and don't look back.

"So why didn't you tell me?" She asked me.

"I want to tell you but I am just a maid." I said.

"No you are family." She hugged me and whispered to me saying she can't wait to be a grandparent and this could help settle Noah with his childish ways.

"So I believe you should marry Noah." His mother suggested but I did not want to marry Noah.

"I don't want to marry my mother." He says.

"What's wrong with Anya? She is beautiful, sweet and good on the eyes." His mother was boosting me up but I just knew I would never be enough for Noah even if he wanted me.

It was better to be the mother of his child than anything else with him, plus I don't want to give my heart to someone who will step and spit on it. He would hurt me continuously with no remorse.

"Why?" She wanted to know why her son doesn't want to be with me.

"Ma'am with due respect he is with me and not with the maid." Kate degrades me as the maid even though I am the maid.

"Anya is more than the maid." Noah says.

"To me she is." She mocks me.

"At least she knows how to clean unlike you." His mother degrades her by telling her she is nothing but a prissy princess who doesn't clean. I went back to work but Noah insisted that we talked but I was really not up for a conversation.

"How dare you." Kate left walking out of the house knowing that her mother in law had insulted her.

I just knew I wanted to leave other than stay here with him staring at me. He went after his girlfriend telling her that his mother meant well which showed me that I was not made for him and never will be even if his mother wanted us to be with each other.

I told his mother I don't feel well so she let me go home today where Noah was outside telling me he wants to see me but why would he want to speak with me when all he did to me was make me act like some fool.

I will not give my heart.

"Anya, stop and listen to me." He shouted at me.

"What." I stare at him.

"I know I have not been the person helpful but just know we need to talk about this." He says.

"What?" I asked.

"Look I know this is your body but to let you know, are you cut out to be a mom?" He asked.

"Are you asking me if I am cut out to be a mom?" I asked.

"I mean it's your body but I feel that a abortion would do us a favor since I am not ready to be a father and you dont look mother material." He tells me that I am not mother material because I choose to keep his baby.

"Wow." I acted shocked.

"What?" He was wondering.

"For that moment, I thought you were human but now I see you are not." I said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked me when he knows he just told me that u should abort our child.

"You just told me to abort our child." I was just starting to get angry.

"Wow, Anya, you are being a bitch about it. I mean look at you, you are not mother material and I, not father material." He says. I inhaled my breath knowing I could end up saying something that might hurt him and he could end up hurting me so I walked away.

"Why are you walking away? You are scared that I am right." He says. I didn't pay any attention to him, so I rushed myself to the car driving home just thinking about the things he said to me.

Was I mother material?

Was he right?

Could it be?

I didn't want it to be true so I went to the planned parenthood clinic testing out to see if I was truly mother material. I took a look at the pamphlets they have seeing that I did not want this for me or my child.

I just knew I don't care about Noah's opinion so now I am going to be taking care of two people.

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