Chapter 17

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''Noah, what could it be?'' I asked where he open this box where it was a necklace because he wanted me to wear this for the gala he wanted me to attend with him.

''Oh my god, this is beautiful,Noah.'' I said.

'' I didn't know how to tell you that I wanted to go to the gala with you but my family will be going as well so I am actually thinking you could leave Olivia with your family.'' He suggested where I didn't mind where he already told me I would be getting prepared tomorrow where designers would be coming to the house, so i had to make sure i can talk to my sisters to help babysit just for me to go with him.

''Noah, I am honored to be your date for the gala.'' I was thinking that Kate could be there as well since she has been a family friend until she became Noah's girlfriend where I became his girlfriend recently. I texted Sarah telling her I will need him to babysit where she told she can't so I texted Molly where she asked her as well where she couldn't. I texted my twin brothers where they told me they have a party to attend that night so I had no option other than to ask my mother where she told she didn't mind babysitting Olivia while I get my fun on with Noah since I don't get out much since Olivia was born. I know she meant since I have been in America because I was busy trying to make money to save for college and Olivia came into plans where this was unexpected. I couldn't believe that my twin brothers couldn't help me as a sister since I barely saw them. After my little time with Noah, I went home where I told my mother to make sure she keeps an eye on her while I was at Noah's house for the night where she didn't mind helping out. Molly, Sarah helped out while my stupid twin brothers were having a good time by partying almost every night with girls that could nearly be in the same situation as me.

Sometimes I wonder why they even exist but they are my brothers and I love those idiots as my sons but good thing they didn't come from me. I didn't want to impose this on my mother so that is why I was hoping my sisters could help but they chose not to.

The next morning, I woke up seeing Noah all worked up for this gala since now he has heard that his ex is coming. I was wondering why he would be so worry about her coming until he told me this is not the ex i am aware of but there is another one who is prettier than me probably and richer than me.

''Oh, I didn't know.'' I said.

''Babe, don't be sad, she is not that pretty as you anyways.'' I know he was saying that to make me feel better but I know this was not true if we are not talking about Kate. I mean Kate is a supermodel with the body of one and me i have the body of a mother who gave birth.

The designers came where they were shocked to deal with someone like me because they never work with someone who is naturally beautiful they said. I was shocked to hear this before, the other one told me he will make me the queen of the gala no matter how hard he will work me up. After hours of my hair, makeup, dressing up with the right heels finally made me look like a queen. I couldn't believe I was looking at myself in the mirror as a supermodel, i came downstairs where Noah was struck on looking at me with his jaw down waiting for me to say something but i love how he was looking at me.

''You look beautiful,'' he says.

''You are handsome.'' I said.

''I know, I can get sexy when needed.'' He was showing off but I loved how he was doing it where he placed the necklace around my neck whispering in my ear '' you are beautiful.'' We headed out the door where the cars were prepared for us to enter, i felt like a popular socialite who was entering inside a black SUV. I sat next to Noah where he held my hand telling me that it's okay to be nervous since this is the first time he will show me off to people in his world. Once we got there, I was silent knowing I don't fit in his world but I will manage tonight to act like one even though I know Olivia will be able to fit in this world since she was born into royalty and I wasn't.

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