Chapter twelve The fifth day part two

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With (Y,N)

Right now erza and mira was facing down (Y,N) there once great friend and companion. But now greatest enemy.

Erza: (Y-(Y,N) is that you?

Her eyes were currently widened, their greatest enemy in this game was once their greatest friend. She couldn't comprehend why he was doing this?

(Y,N): you seem surprised?

His eyes turned red as he narrowed his eyes at his two former guildmates.

(Y,N): after all you betrayed us.

With Natsu

Natsu was facing down gray who had the face of confusion and anger.

Gray: natsu is that you, why the hell are you doing here and why are you attacking us!!!???

Natsu: shut up ice prick you're annoying.

Gray: what the hell did you say flame brain!

Natsu: I said shut up, or has your brain Frozen after all these year's.

Gray rushed natsu and prepared and attacked, only to receive a mighty punch in the gut which sent gray flying.

With Wendy

Juvia the former mage of phantom Lord, was now facing Wendy the sweet and innocent girl from Fairy Tail 7 years ago.

Juvia: We-Wendy? What are you doing here?

Wendy: Why do you seem so surprised? Didn't think we were alive after you all betrayed us!

Juvia: W-what we did-

she couldn't finish her sentence as a strong gust of wind sent her flying into a wall.

Wendy: don't lie to me, all of you mages from Fairy Tail betrayed us! Now it's time for us to get our revenge!!

With Gajeel

Laxus and Gajeel like most the others were having a face off Gajeel had a murderous glint in his eyes. That didn't go unnoticed by laxus.

Laxus: gajeel what the hell are you doing! Why are you in the others attacking our guild you're family!

Gajeel: we don't consider betrayers family! You egotistical useless fairies, you left us to die by the hands of that monster! And question why we are attacking you but if your brain is two small to understand then it's this! We don't consider you our family because we want our revenge against you!

Gajeel launch the metal pillar straight into laxus gut sending him flying into a wall.

Gajeel: get up weakling I'm not done with you!

With (Y,N)

(Y,N) was staring erza and mira who were shaking, he was eliminating a strong killer intent that was taking physical form around him.

Like the clouds blocking out the light and casting the shadows onto the land, he was casting his murderous intent onto their very being making them shake.

Erza: (Y-(Y,N) we never-

Before she could finish her sentence, he rushed towards the two of them grabbing their face with his hands and slamming them into the floor.

He then picked up the both of them and threw them off the building, making them crash into the streets.

He turned around to face kagura.

(Y,N): I have no use for you my grudges would fairy tail, so as an act of Mercy I will make your defeat painless.

Before she could do anything she felt a heavy pressure on her neck as she was falling unconscious. right before she get hit the floor he caught her in his arms and set her down peacefully onto the ground.

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