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"It's time to wake up!" Irena's voice comes out much too high for the early hour of the morning

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"It's time to wake up!" Irena's voice comes out much too high for the early hour of the morning. The bright light streaming in through the window not helping. Jeongguk stirs slightly, making incoherent noises while my eyes focus in on my cousin standing beside Park Jimin. A tray of food in his hands. Their presences looming over the bed like two concerned parents.

"Good morning to you too." I grumble, pulling myself away from a still sleeping Jeongguk. The pillow I'd been sleeping on replaces my body. Judging from how easily he clutches onto the item, I know the man can't tell the difference.

Ever since the volleyball game gone wrong, Jeongguk has been following me around like a fly. Not that I'm considered trash in any form, but you get the point. He'd been pointing out exactly when I needed to rest, the exact activities I couldn't partake in and other concerns about my concussion. Ordering Jimin and Irena around like two staff members until my cousin put an end to his ridiculous behaviour.

"I'm glad your knight in shining sweat is sleeping." Jimin takes a seat, not caring that he's squashing his friend. Said friend still continues sleeping like his body is as numb as a corpse. "But we've got a big day ahead of us, so ass out of bed. Your hair needs styling."

"Rude. Make sure you don't fry your hair off because there's nothing so special about today." Jimin sends gives her an elbow nudge.

She's right of course. There's nothing exactly happy or big about today. What's supposed to be a beautiful wedding has become a sad agreement all because Namjoon has a weak heart.

Yesterday we had a sibling meeting with Yejin present because like the rest of us, she'd also be affected by the wedding cancellation. Namjoon came clean about how he didn't really want this. Even after this week together, he couldn't see a reason worth staying in the agreement, but then Yejin spoke up. Apparently her family and their business has been going through major losses for years now. Marrying into Kim Group would help with potential investments, one of them being from Kim Group itself. They really needed this wedding.

I said, we could still invest and help out as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility fund, without having to go through with the wedding. But a few tears and sad stories later, Namjoon gave in and decided he'd get married to help Yejin and her family. Neither of us tried to stop him this time.

"When's is the styling team arriving?"

Irena checks her watch, raising an eyebrow at the time. "Half an hour from now, so we'll leave you to get ready."

"I'm glad the two of you are getting along." I wink, earning a scowl from Irena.

"Only because I'm familiar with him. Still hate him though." She sneers at Jimin.

"The feeling's mutual, love."

Like that the two saunter out of the room, with Jimin moving to the side to let her go first. She teases him about being such a gentleman. Sometimes I think they do actually like each other.

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