Epilogue 5: Not Fair

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The first three months of pregnancy were great. There were moments where Jeongguk and I would spend the night together in-front of the fireplace, watching a movie or talking. Talking was one of the things we've always enjoyed doing and though I had the odd pregnancy symptom here and there, nothing was terrible. It was almost as if my body was trying to prepare for the worst.

The terrible time came right after. Months four to nine were the worst. With morning sickness, cramps and foot swelling being the main benefactors. Not to mention the constant mood swings I had found myself in. Jeongguk would simply smile and I would find myself scowling at him for no reason, but because my husband is the sweetest man I know, he still continued to show me love and bright smiles despite my cold responses.

Today I had woken up in an icy mood. Breakfast was a silent affair. Jeongguk had taken a liking to my banana pancakes and requested them only for me to hand him a bowl of oatmeal with sass. He didn't say anything then. At lunch he pulled me along to the cafeteria, only for my body to throw up at the sight of the fish he ordered. He still said nothing then either. All he did was order a bowl of fruits and smoothies along with a kiss to my forehead.

"Love, Taehyung and I are heading to the site to check out the car. Do you want me to take you home before we leave?" The man of my dreams asks with a caring look in his eyes. His buttoned down shirt serves as a mini distraction while he leans against my hardwood desk. Jeongguk wears a small smile.

I shake my head, "No, I'm going with you."

Jeongguk visibly deflates. Gone is the kind smile and light tone. "Soa, you're nine months pregnant. The last place you're meant to be in is a factory. There's smoke and chemical fumes-"

I raise my hand, finding my feet, "This is my project. I'm not going to sit back and have them ruin the whole design. I need to get there and fix what is able to be saved."

He tugs at his hair, "Tell me what you want changed and I'll communicate that." He pleads, voice still at a normal level, but the deepening frown is an indication that his patience is wearing thin.

Mine is too. All Jeongguk has done is treat me like a patient. Forbidding me from going anywhere he didn't deem safe enough. Mother had called it an act of love. Taehyung also defended that he was the same with Giselle before Sora was born. I want to see it the way everyone else does, but it's been too much. He's been too much.

I move from behind the desk, placing my hands on his shoulders while I stare at his face. "You can't communicate something you have never seen. Only sitting in on weekly meetings for updates is not enough. Please let me do my job." I try to sound light and unbothered, but the bubbling irritation is seeping at the tip of my tongue.

He sighs, "Baby, I can't do that. Stay here and I'll phone you once we're at the sight so you can directly speak to the engineers on board. Is that okay?" Jeongguk tries, peering into my eyes with a begging. A begging that does not work this time.

I pull away, "I can't do that either, Jeongguk-" Gone is every ounce of affection. I grab my handbag, reaching inside it for a hair tie. Jeongguk watches the scene, sighing at my reluctance to hear him out.

"Soa, please," He sighs, "I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now, but please just stay behind. I can't take you along knowing it puts the both of you at risk." He begs, stopping my hands at their work of tying my hair. He pushes the loose strands behind my ear, a serious but soft expression on his face.

I heave a sigh, "Fine, Jeongguk. You're always right-"

"No, I just want what's best for you and Bell."

I can't fault him when he says that. Throughout all the trouble I've been giving him, he's been nothing but understanding and gentle. Never has he raised his voice or acted out his frustration. I know seeing me like this must be new to him. Being rejected and disrespected at every turn must have a toll on him.

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