EPILOGUE 1: The Babies

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"I'm outside with the babies," Jeongguk's voice sounds over the phone. The sound of rain loud in the background causing me to pull a face at the weather. "Please open the door." He asks, politely. One of the things I love about my husband even to this day keeping his vow of respect.

Quick steps toward the front door, I open it, only to be met with the sight of heavy rain and a dripping Jeongguk making his way through it, one parcel clutched tightly to his chest as he reaches the front porch.

My heart pulls at the sight of him when he enters our home, handing the sleeping child to me, only to turn and run off toward the Range Rover again.

This time, I'm faster, placing a sleeping Nari on the couch, hoping that she won't wake up and start searching for her father the way she usually does. Jeon Nari, is a daddy's girl and as her mommy, I might be just a little jealous.

"Soa," Jeongguk calls, kicking the door with his foot. His hands immediately handing Jeongsan to me. The wide awake baby smiles at the sight of me, while his father starts removing his clothes. Dripping all over the place as he ambles toward the still sleeping Nari.

"Mom says she hasn't been eating all day." He sighs, "Do you think she's sick?"

I walk toward the sofa, careful to keep Jeongsan steady as I join his father to look at Nari with worry. Her lips are pulled into a pout. One that means she's most likely to burst into a fit of tears if we wake her.

"I'll take her to Dr Lee tomorrow," I sigh, feeling her forehead for any sign of a fever. "How long has she been asleep?"

Knowing Nari and the way she's able to sleep for hours, it's not new that she's asleep while her brother is happily nipping at my shoulder. His mouth leaving wet spots on the expanse of the skin.

"Fell asleep on the way home." Jeongguk replies, moving toward the staircase. His bare back flexing as he takes careful steps up it with Nari resting on his chest. "Be with you two in a minute. Need to make sure my princess is comfortable." Jeongguk smiles, while I roll my eyes in response.

"Your daddy loves teasing mommy hey," I place light kisses on Jeongsan who's hoisted on my hip, giggling with so much energy.

Never would I have thought Jeongguk and I would end up parenting identical twins. It's always been my dream home and looking at the boy who's a copy of his father, I'm so happy we have them. Our two beautiful babies.

He spouts and babbles, making me smile, "Yes baby, what are you saying?" I coo.

I bounce him harder, laughing as goes into a fit of giggles again. Big eyes turning into small crescents of joy. He looks just like Jeongguk, but for some reason, when he smiles, he resembles myself and Taehyung. It's the cutest thing.

"Do you want to talk to Mommy, huh, San?" I ask, receiving gurgles in response. He's definitely the more outgoing one between the two. Nari doesn't do much besides stare.

Jeongguk comes down the stairs, wearing his pyjamas with Nari resting against his chest. The way he holds her is so full of love and affection. The sight makes me smile in endearment. In the short amount of time that we've had our babies, Nari has become obsessed with her father and Jeongguk the same. I think he loves having a daughter as much as he loves having a lookalike for a son.

"She woke up while I was putting her down," He smiles, pecking my lips before he makes his way toward the kitchen. Jeongsan and I follow close behind. Me rolling my eyes because I know he must have poked her awake. The excitement still hasn't died down.

"Could you hold San, while I prepare the food?" I ask, handing over the bubbly bundle of joy. His sister stares at us in a sleeplike state. Her eyes half opened when I peck her cheek.

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