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The dinner table is filled with eery silence

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The dinner table is filled with eery silence. The clanging of pots and pans are the only sounds filling the quiet dining room. Even Shaun doesn't make any gurgling sounds. His big eyes roam around the room. It's almost as if he can sense the tension.

Soa enters the room, hair cascading down her back. She meets the eyes of her mother who takes in her untidy state, but mentions no word. Her sharp gaze causes Soa to pull the hair into a makeshift bun. It's still not the pristine hairstyle her mother wants, but it's enough to take her eyes off.

"Where have you been, Kim Soa?" Her father asks, stern expression gracing his features. He looks like Namjoon when he stares at her like that. She ignores his stare, opting to reach for an empty plate.

"With Jeongguk, Father."

His face falls at her response. "Atleast you had the decency to show up at work this morning."

She doesn't reply to that. Her face instead meet the curious gaze of Namjoon. He's sat staring at her, monolid eyes taking in her appearance with question. She smiles at him, not sure what else she's supposed to do. Namjoon is always wary and assuming. His sharp gaze rakes over her face in search of something. She has no idea what he's looking for.

Beside him Yejin eats, but there's no hiding the fact that she'd rather be anywhere but here. She's the only one eating the food and Soa wants to smile at her innocence. It's cute.

"I don't know how you do it," Her mother laughs, throwing her hands into the air. It's abrupt, sharp and catches everyone's attention like she always does. Her ringing voice adding noise to the quiet dinner. "Your father and I were worried sick about you. Yet, here you are, unbothered as always. Reeking of lust and intimacy."

Taehyung mumbles a soft "Lust?" beside his sister. Seokjin loses his bored expression. The baby in his arms no longer his point of interest. Namjoon looks surprised. He thought things, but clearly his mother jumped far ahead. Even his father chokes on his wine, spraying red all over his white shirt.

Soa stills, her head turning toward her mother. "Can we please have a normal supper? Whatever you're smelling is not me. Maybe it's Namjoon."

Her brother blanches, choking on air as if he's still pure. Jin smiles behind Shaun receiving a glare from Fei.


"You expect me to believe that all you did was sleep last night?" Her mother persists, banging a fist on the table.

It's dramatic really. Coming home to argue with her mother like some hormonal teenager every single day of her life. It's also tiring. She knew the butterflies she had been feeling all afternoon, thanks to Jeongguk, were only seasonal. Being home always chased them away.

"Seohyun, this is highly inappropriate to be discussing at the dinner table." Her grandmother cuts in, sending daggers toward her daughter in law. It's a sight they're all used to. The day the two get along is as unlikely as Jimin choosing a life of celibacy.

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