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"Baby, I know you're upset-"

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"Baby, I know you're upset-"

"Upset? I'm mad as hell, Jeon." I breathe out, passing a hand through my hair while I exhale in annoyance. Frustrated at the fact that we're once again having the meeting that caused a rift in our relationship in the first place. This time the audience is even broader. With grandparents and parents along with all my brothers sitting in. Everything planned without informing myself or Jeongguk about it.

Imagine my confusion at finding all these people in our house, seated around the boardroom table with contracts and papers setting things in stone. Things I have no knowledge of and neither does he. If anything, Jeongguk was just as surprised to see his grandparents seeing as they never visit. The last time they were in Seoul, Jeongguk was graduating university. It's been years since then.

"Talk to me." He coaxes, like we have all the time in the world. If it wasn't for me purposefully spilling red wine on his crisp white shirt, we wouldn't be in the bathroom. At the moment that was the only excuse I could think of to leave the tense area.

"I'm trying so hard to stay composed-" I crack, letting the showers pour while I turn away from Jeongguk. A mixture of make up and tears cascading down my cheeks as waves of emotion fill me.

He's quick to pull me into his chest. A position we both are very accustomed to. Since we've started with counselling, all I've been is an emotional wreck. The stress of trying to keep my relationship weighing heavily on my shoulders. Then still having to please the family. It feels like the hurdles in our relationship will never stop.

After our session with Nikita, we've so far had no upsetting conversations. We've been talking, he's taken more time off from work to spend more time together. It's really helping us grow stronger and it's beautiful to see us both actively want to fix things, but I just know this ambush of a meeting is about to ruin all that progress.

"I just feel like giving it all up." I whisper, fisting his shirt. The smell of red wine being strong beneath my head, but I don't care.

"It's our relationship. Shouldn't we get more of a say in the way things are being done?"

Jeongguk sighs, "I'm sorry, Soa. I didn't know they were here." He let's out, kissing my head while his fingers run through it as a form of comfort. "I'm just as upset about everything they're proposing right now, but we can't react now. We need to think about this. Grandpa's got a lot of power and he's not afraid to use it."

I wrap my arms around his middle, face pressing against his chest while thoughts run through my head. Every single one being how I should leave Kim Group and settle down. It's the only solution to our ever arising problems.

"I knew taking over would bring problems like this right now." I moan, sniffling as more tears fall. My heart heavy with regret and slight anger toward Taehyung and Father for forcing me into this position in the first place. Had it not been for them, getting married would not have been as complicated as it is now.

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