EPILOGUE 4 : Scary Daddy

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"Soa, a word please." Jeongguk motions with his hand, pulling me away from a conversation with Nayeon. His frown a clear indication that this might not be the most pleasant talk.

I follow him into his office, aware of the eyes that watch our every move. It is not everyday that the CEO himself requests for me to have a word with him. Ever since we've been married, we've tried our best to steer clear of each other at work. Moments like these are rare.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Jeongguk jumps right in, leaving no room for small talk or politeness. I frown at his choice of words. His body language already taking on a stance of defensiveness as he moves toward his desk, folding his arms over his chest.

I frown, closing the door. "Something like what, Jeongguk?"

"Are you aware that our daughter has been visiting an abortion clinic?" He asks, gravel seeping out of his chest with the words.

His tone and facial expression tell me that there is no room to lie. He's aware and most likely is not happy about it. Knowing how overprotective he is of Nari, I swallow, taking a seat on the sofa while I gather my words.


"When were you going to tell me?"

The honest truth is, I was not going to. Between her being in a complete different country because of him and because I know how he gets. I could lie and tell him some excuse about how he would take it, but it's Jeongguk. He knows me to well for that.

"I wasn't going to," I start, watching as his eyes go wide before his scowl deepens, "Because I didn't want this to happen." I motion to his behaviour. The present anger a sign that I have upset him, but also that maybe my choice was not the wisest.

Jeongguk steps toward me, "How many more secrets are you willing to keep from me for the sake of these children?"

It's hurtful, the implication that all I do is lie and keep secrets, but he's also not wrong. Jeongsan had moved out of the home not too long ago. At first, it was because he wanted independence, but also because he was moving in with his partner. His partner that happened to be a man.

Knowing the way Koreans view the concept of gayness, I had decided to keep the information from Jeongguk, hoping he would never find out. Unfortunately, the scene played out quite similar to the one right now, except we were home and he was less calm.

"Please sit down and listen to what I have to say-"

"No Soa," He interjects, "I tell you everything when it involves our children, our family or our business. Things I'm legally obligated to keep secret I tell you because I trust you, but you choose to keep things that could not only ruin our reputation but tear our family apart." He speaks calmly. It would have been better if he was yelling.

"Jeongguk, I found out about it the same way you did."

He stares at me, "She told me she would tell you eventually and I wanted to respect that. Of course, I'm not happy keeping such things to myself, but sometimes I just feel it would be better having you know nothing. Do you know what could happen to your job if you confess to being fully aware that your children have broken all family rules within Kim Group? You'd lose it and I'd rather not have that-"

"Stop making me feel like some outsider!" He bellows, pulling my attention to him again. Ears pink and eyes wide, he stares at me in rage. "I'm your husband, their father. I don't care about this company or it's ridiculous rules. You and I both know your brothers have been up to mischief long before they were the happily married men they are now. This is not about that."

"This is about you keeping vital things like this to yourself-"

There's a knock at the door, interrupting our argument.

"Mr and Mrs Jeon, there's an emergency meeting in the boardroom. Your attendance is required." Nayeon speaks softly, aware of the tension in the room.

Jeongguk nods, straightens his suit and passes me a look that could kill if it weren't for the hand that firmly pressed into my own.

"We're not done with this conversation."


"We need a new heir." Father speaks, after everyone is seated and he's obtained everyone's attention.

His eyes rake over the table. They linger on myself and Jeongguk a lot longer than what I deem necessary. It's an implied look. One he wants me to notice and to latch onto his suggestion by volunteering my own children, but I ignore. There's no way I would put Jeongsan or Nari in the line of fire.

Taehyung coughs, "I thought Shaun was fit to take over."

Silence befalls the table as awkward coughs are passed around. Knowing that Shaun is the oldest grandchild, it would make sense, but there's also the recent marriage he eloped into. The event truly caught us all by surprise. Even Seokjin could not hide his shock.

"We can't have him share our built wealth with a stranger. Jeongsan should be next in line, but his parents seem to be against it, seeing as they haven't said anything." Father presses to which I tense.

"Jeongsan is still completing his tertiary education." I reply.

Jeongguk scoffs, "As much as I love my son, he is not fit to lead Kim Group."


"It was unnecessary for you to throw our son under the bus like that, Jeongguk." I blurt, fixing my hair in the passenger seat of his Mercedes, fully aware that Jeongguk would feather have me sit in complete silence. Ever since our conversation earlier, he had been nothing but quiet when around me. A sign that I had managed to fully upset him.

"When it comes to business, I'm not going to fool around with those children. He never attends any meetings and shows zero interest in the affairs of the company. The least we could both do is be honest and accept that our children want nothing to do with the life we live."

I sigh, "And that's okay, right? It is better for us not to force them to engage in-"

"It makes us look weak. It portrays to our parents that everything we fought for was futile because with the freedom we received, we couldn't even raise decent children who would honour the family name."

I gasp at the insinuation that our parenting had been ringing but a problem in raising our children. If anything, the freedom Jeongsan and Nari have is everything I wanted growing up.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, but I wouldn't change anything in the way we raised Nari and Jeongsan."

He does not reply, probably hoping I'd let the conversation go. For the rest of the trip home the only sound in the car is the radio. Jeongguk huffs every now and then and I pay him no mind.

When we arrive at our home, he goes to bed leaving me to wonder if I had really gone and done it again. Have I ruined my marriage for the sake of my children? Have I been a bad mother in wanting my children to be who they wanted to be? The questions receive no answer, but as always, he kisses me goodnight and tells me he loves me with a promise of talking it all out in the morning. A promise I hold on to.

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