EPILOGUE 5: Merry Christmas

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"Merry Christmas!" Mrs Jeon cheers, pulling Jeongguk into a warm embrace. He allows it, resting his head on hers and in the moment they look endearing. Almost similar to the image of him as a young adult fresh out of college. The only difference between now and then is, he's a man now. A husband with a full family lined up behind him.

I watch as my mother-in-law pulls away from her son and takes in the sights of Nari and Jeongsan. Both much older and wearing expressions of shock because they've never really met their grandmother. Behind her Jeongguk passes then both a stern expression that means warning.

The drive to the Jeon holiday home was a tense trip. Instead of focusing on the falling snow and beauty of the mountainside, all the two could focus in was how we would bring them to strangers when they'd already grown.

Jeongguk had been honest in expressing that he never wanted to see his family. I had stated that though I loved his mother, his father and I never quite got off on the right foot. In conclusion, there was no better than now for the Jeons to meet their grown up grandchildren. An even better edition to the forced holiday would be my family joining in for the fun.

With promises of less business talk and snowy mountain adventure, I had managed to lure everyone in. Jeongguk didn't mind the suggestion. In face, he might have even been thankful for more personalities to ease the existing tension between him and his family.

Mrs Jeon beams at me after pulling away from the twins. Her eyes start to glisten, a sign that she's really happy at the moment. The last time she'd even seen Nari and Jeongsan was when they both still lived with us. Since then every Christmas holiday had been spent in Germany, just the four of us.

"Thank you so much for bringing everyone together." She whispers, voice sounding weak. I assume it to be because of her tears, "I've missed you all so much. You don't know how lonely Christmas has been without you."

I rub her back, aware that it must have been a lonely experience every year. Knowing how often Mr Jeon travels without her and the lack of communication between the Jeons in general, without Jeongguk, the home was probabaly dead silent.

"I know, Mom. I'm glad you invited us. We missed you too and though he might not say it, so did Jeongguk."

She pulls away, thankful smile still etched onto her face. Behind her Mr Jeon reaches for his son in a cordial handshake, a motion he continues with Jeongsan. Taking him in, I can already sense the judgement, but Jeongsan ignores it and excitedly blurts out, "Hello, Grandfather, so lovely to see you."

Taken aback, Mr Jeon jumps when he is pulled into an embrace. It startled him so much that he even hugs me with a soft smile. "Good to see you, Soa. Thank you for bringing my son home."

The rest of the morning is spent in the kitchen, Mrs Jeon sharing all the stories of Jeongguk in his younger days. Her excitement is obvious as she reiterates the stories to Jeongsan and Nari who listen attentively. From the lounge Jeongguk and I watch in amusement.

"It seems Mom has already managed to capture their hearts." He laughs, pleased that they are trying besides complaining all morning.

"Since you see that they're fine, let's go nap before the rest get here. You know there's no sleep when Taehyung is around." I smile, pulling Jeongguk to his feet.

The rooms still carry the same amount of warmth they used to when we were younger. Jeongguk's room is lined with shades of brown and a view that overlooks the snowy mountain. It's a sight worth waking up to. I him taking in the sameness of the room. Every picture still in it's position.

The pictures carry memories that are still fresh in both of our minds. "Remember how you used to kiss me under every mistletoe?" I question, finding the idea amazing even now.

Euphoric Love | Jeongguk FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora