Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I was totally clueless and confused.

Hindi pa kami nagtatagal sa paliligo sa dagat nang umahon kami ni Ike upang salubungin kung sino man ang biglang dumating. Wala ako ideya kung sino iyon, ngunit mukhang kilala na ni Ike.

We swam around the house to the shore. The cool sea breeze immediately seeped through my skin the moment I was out of the warm water. I couldn't help but shiver.

Good thing that Ike's very sensible. Mabilis siyang lumapit sa sun lounger upang kuhanin ang nakahandang bathrobes doon. Ibinigay niya sa akin ang isa. He even helped me wear it right away.

And while he was wearing his own robe, I looked up to the hill. The helicopter took off once again and left the island. From afar, two people were going down the stone path we trailed when we arrived.

"Let's go," pag-aya sa akin ni Ike.

He casually held my hand. The warmth from his hand spread all over me, shielding me from the cold just like the robe. Even though we were walking barefoot on the sand, with our feet slightly getting buried, my steps felt light.

If other people would see us, I was sure they would find us―and this moment―romantic. Hand in hand, we were walking along the shore, just like what couples do in romance books and films. It's something very ideal. It's something that women with romantic fantasies would want to experience.

Although we weren't in a relationship, I was lucky to experience it with the man I love.

Hindi niya binitiwan ang aking kamay hanggang sa makarating kami sa paanan ng burol. Muli akong nag-angat ng tingin sa dalawang taong pababa. We were only a few meters away from them. I could finally see them clearly.

An elegant woman, wearing a long summer dress, fedora, and an oversized aviator sunglasses, was leading the way. The man behind her was carrying her summer tote bag. He was also wearing a pair of wayfarers. He reminded me of someone I know well but I just couldn't pinpoint yet.

Lumapit ako kay Ike nang hindi ko malabanan ang kuryosidad. He lowered his head when he sensed that I'd be whispering something to him.

"Sino sila?"

He also brought his lips closer to my ear. "My parents."

My eyes widened. I was filled with shock. He just smiled when he saw my reaction before letting go of my hand. He walked away to help his mother when she was already near the ground.

Not knowing what to do, I froze on my position flabbergasted. I was cornered in an unexpected situation. I just acknowledged my feelings for him. I wasn't prepared to meet his parents so soon that I had to urge to turn my back, run away and hide. I was just wearing my swimsuit under the robe. I was far from looking decent with my wet and messy hair.

However, I also knew that walking away without introducing myself would leave a bad impression to them. I didn't want to appear as someone rude. I wanted to show them my best side.

Maingat na inalalayan ni Ike pababa sa mga natitirang baitang ang kanyang ina. Once she set her foot on the sand, her eyes immediately drifted to me.

I gasped, held my breath, and remained standing straight. She removed her aviator and fedora.

Ike's mother looks intimidatingly classy and beautiful. Her eyes caught my attention the most. I figured that Ike got the shape of his eyes from his mother.

Ilang sandaling nanatili ang kanyang mga mata sa akin. Hindi nagtagal ay nilingon nito muli ang anak at saka walang salitang  hinampas ang braso nito.

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