An Old Friend Forgotten

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Link rode on his horse across Kakariko Bridge. He became a bit frustrated with the fact that his mount kept acting up and turning in the wrong direction. He tried to put into practice what the stablehands had said, soothing the horse whenever it acted it up. He knew it would take a while before it finally warmed up to him.

Link: -Thoughts- Well that's just... Wait what is that?

He looked to see something on the side of the road. It was quite chubby and honestly looked rather silly. It had skin the colour of birch bark, a leaf around its nose, and out of its head were what looked like branches with leaves growing on them.

Link: -Thoughts- Well, can't hurt to take a closer look.

He rode closer to the "thing" and waved. To his surprise, the thing jumped and looked down at him.

???: Shalaka?! You! You can see me?!

Link nodded.

???: Shala-zah! Shala-kah! It's been 100 years since anyone has been able to see me! I'm Hestu, and I need your help!

Link: -Thoughts- Wait what? -Talking- What for? -Thoughts- What did I just say? I should be heading off!

Hestu: Those monsters over there stole my beloved maracas! I think they're still there on the other side of those rocks!

He pointed to a small pass between two rocks.

Hestu: I can't use my powers without them. Shoko... So please! PLEASE get my maracas back from them.

Link: Alright. -Thoughts- This won't take too long.

He climbed up onto the rocks and looked down to other side. Three blue bokoblins sat around a fire.

Link: -Thoughts- Darn it... These ones are tougher than the regular ones... Let's see if I can...

He eyed the cliff near the fire. He grabbed the Sheikah Slate and summoned a bomb. He let it tumble to where the three monsters sat, giving them only a moment to realize it was there, and then it detonated, sending the three flying. Two of them were thrown off the cliff side to their deaths.

Link: -Thoughts- There we go!

The last one looked up at Link and roared before grabbing its club. Link grabbed his traveller's bow fired a shot, hitting it in the face, before flying down with his paraglider and beating it on the head with his boko club.

Link: Hyah!

The bokoblin vanished with a puff of black smoke, leaving behind a horn, a fang and some guts. Link picked them up, thinking he'd be able to sell them later on. He looked over at the chest they had left behind. Upon opening it, he discovered a pair of red maracas.

Link: -Thoughts- Ah, here they are.

He brought the instruments over to Hestu.

Hestu: SHALA-KALA! Those are... Those are my maracas! Please giiiive them to meeeeee!

Link handed them over in silence.

Hestu: SHAAAAAA-LAAAAAAAH-KAAAAAH! But wait, there's something wrong with my maracas! The korok seeds are gone! How am I supposed to dance now? Shoko...

Link: What are Korok seeds?

Hestu: Little seedlings us Koroks carry around. If I had just one Korok seed, I could sing, dance and use my powers to help you.

Link: That won't be necessary-

Hestu: I insist! I must repay you in some form! You see, I have the power of inventory expansion! Let me know if you find some Korok seeds, and in return, I will expand your inventory.

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