Return of the Firebolts/ 26

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The next week was extremely busy, Ravenclaw had played Slytherin. Slytherin won, narrowly, but according to Oliver, this was good news for Gryffindor. That also meant increased number of practices to five times a week. And on top of that you still had lessons with Lupin, and study courses for your up coming Owls. To say you were stressed was an under statement. 

"I can't take it anymore!" you cried, throwing down your Charms book. 

You were currently in the library with Hermione, Harry, Ron, Katie, Alicia, and Angelina, studying for your upcoming Charms exams. 

"Oh Y/n." Angelina gave a sympathetic smile, patting you lightly on the back. 

Hermione however was more focused then ever. 

"How do you do it 'mione?" you groaned, laying your head down on the table. 

"Well, if would talk to McGonaga-" she was interrupted by a thick Scottish accent. 

"Bad news, Lads. I've just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolts. She- er- got a bit shirty with me. Told me I'd got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about my team mates lives. Just because I told her I didn't care if they threw you off, as long as y/n scored, and Harry caught the Snitch first." Wood shook his head in disbelief. "Honestly, the way she was yelling at me... you'd think I'd said something terrible...Then I asked how much longer she was going to keep them..." He screwed up his face and imitated Professor McGonagall's severe voice. " 'As long as necessary, Wood'...I reckon it's time you both ordered a new broom. There's an order form at the back of Which Broomstick... you both could get a Nimbus Two Thousand and One, like Malfoy's got." 

"I'm not buying anything that Malfoy thinks is good," said Harry flatly. 

"I could ask Andromeda to send my old broom here?" you offered. "It's in good condition, a bit slow, but your the youngest seeker in the world...I think you could handle her." You smiled at the dark haired boy. 

"No...Why don't you use it?" Harry inquired. 

"I've got a replacement-" you pointed at Katie. "besides, Seekers are way more important then Chasers." 

"NO!" Oliver interrupted...once again. "I'm not losing my best offense Katie." 

"None taken, everyone knows she's the best." Katie clamped you on the back. 

"Right, well then, we'll have to figure something else out." Oliver nodded. 

January faded imperceptibly into February, with no change in the bitterly cold weather. The match against Ravenclaw was drawing nearer and nearer, but you nor Harry had ordered a new broom.  To make matters even worse, your anti-dementor lessons were not going nearly as well as you had hoped. You hadn't been able to produce a full Patronus yet...and it was draining you in ways you didn't know possible. Fred and George kept pestering you about leaving every Thursday. And Oliver kept pestering you about buying a new broom. 

On the Thursday before the match, Lupin invited you and Harry to his office for some butterbeer. 

"Butterbeer!" said Harry. "Yeah, I like that stuff."

You shot him a look, telling him that he was supposed to have never tasted it before.

Lupin raised an eyebrow. 

"I brought him some!" you lied quickly. "Last time we went..."

"I see," said Lupin, though he still looked slightly suspicious. "Well- lets drink to a Gryffindor victory against Ravenclaw! Not that I'm supposed to take  sides as a teacher.." he added hastily. 

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