Daddy's home!/ 29

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The next couple months caused everyone to be on edge. Everywhere you went there were signs of security; Professor Flitwick could be seen teaching the front doors to recognize a large picture of your father; Filch was suddenly bustling up and down the corridors, boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. Sir Cadogan had been fired. His portrait had been taken back to its lonely landing on the seventh floor, and the fat lady was back. A bunch of security trolls had been hired to guard her.

You were a total mess. Fred and George were doing everything they could to try and cheer you up; Pranking Snape more frequently, buying you as many cauldron cakes as they could afford. Fred even gave you another one of his Weasley jumpers in spirits you would smile again.

But it was no use. Everywhere you went people would start whispering and making space between you and themselves. It was awful, like you were the criminal.

And on top of all the chaos, OWLS were coming faster than you had expected, and time was running out to study. Angelina had had at least four break downs since March, and Alicia was about ready to jump off the Astronomy tower.

Easter Holiday wasn't exactly a relaxing time either. Dora had canceled  (once again) and you ended up studying the whole time. And if things couldn't get any worse, the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor was tomorrow, and the tension was high.

Pucey had been healed by Madam Pomfrey over the break, and was furious. Nobody knew why, or how Pucey was turned into a frog, but he knew it had to be one of the Gryffindors.

Draco was worse then ever with his fighting with Harry. Apparently when you were at your home during break, Harry had thrown mud at him while under his invisibility cloak at a Hogsmeade trip.


"You have to score at least fifty five points!" said Oliver, pacing the locker room on the last practice before the game.

"We can do it, Ollie." you assured him for the 100th time. "Slytherin doesn't stand a chance."

He nodded his head but kept pacing.

"You guys should head up to bed." he suggested, sitting down on the bench, rubbing his temples.

There was a course of 'byes' and 'see you's' as the the Gryffindor team left the locker room.

"I'll catch up with you guys." you said to Alicia and the twins, who were walking out.

"Ollie." you whispered. "You need to relax."

Oliver looked up at you and sighed. "We have to win, Y/n/n. I have to win, it's my last year."

"I know. And we will." you smiled, sitting next to the seventh year.

"I'm gonna miss you next year, Kid." Oliver smiled, ruffling up your sweaty hair.

You rolled your eyes and pushed his arm away. "Stop calling me that."

Oliver laughed and put his arm around your shoulder. "I want to make you captain next year."

Your eyes widened in surprise.

You had always thought he would make Angelina captain.

"Are you serious?" you beamed, jumping up from the bench.

"Of course I am. I already talked to McGonagall about it, she said yes obviously." Oliver nodded, a delighted look on his face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much Oliver!" you cheered, jumping around excitedly.

"You're not captain yet." Wood laughed, standing up from his seat and grabbing his things. "Let's go before Filch comes and doesn't let us play tomorrow." 

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