The Grim's Attack/16

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The school talked nothing but Sirius Black for the next few days. The theories about how he had entered the castle became wilder and wilder; People had started saying that you, being his daughter, had let him in the castle. Everyone was acting quite weird around you, giving you awful glares, whispering every time you walked into a room. The boys would try their best to scare them off by pranking them, but nobody seemed to care.

The Fat Lady's ripped canvas had been taken off the wall and replaced with a portrait of Sir Cadogan and his fat gray pony. Nobody was very happy about this. Sir Cadogan spent half his time challenging people to duels, and the rest thinking up ridiculously complicated passwords, which changed at least twice a day.

"This is outrageous!" Angelina groaned, as You, Alicia, and her entered the common room. "That's the third time this week!"

"I already talked to Percy, none of the other pictures wanted the job." You said, sitting down besides the fireplace.

"Can't we at least get Dumbledore to tell him to stop changing the passwords?" Alicia questioned, taking a seat next to you.

"And say what, 'Professor we can't remember all the passwords, can you please tell him not to change them?'" said Angelina.

"That's exactly what we should say." You laughed.

"He wouldn't buy it," Alicia groaned.

"Yeah, your right." You sighed, opening your potions book. 

"Who's right?" Fred asked, as him, George, and Lee entered the common room. 

"Me!" Alicia smiled, throwing up her hands. 

"Since when?" George teased, sitting next to Angelina on the couch.

"Since Y/n said so." She laughed. 

"Well, she's the boss." Fred smiled, sitting next to you on the floor. "Why aren't you in your, Special chair?" Fred laughed 

"Because, I have to get this assignment done." You sighed 

"I thought you were good at potions?" said Fred, grabbing your text book. 

"I am, but Professor Greasy assigns way to much work!" You said, leaning against the couch. 

"Y/n, your great at potions, you'll be fine." Lee said 

"Snape doesn't care if i'm great at potions, he hates me!" You groaned "Besides, I'm more worried about the herbology exam." 

"Don't remind us!" George cried "How the hell are we supposed to remember the difference between a Flutterby Bush and Gillyweed?!" 

"At this point, I'm just gonna copy off Cedric!" You huffed 

"I still can't believe your friends with him!" Angelina squealed "He's so cute!" 

"You think that blokes cute?" George asked, a slight annoyance in his voice. 

"He's dreamy." Alicia said, holding her hands together. 

"Yeah, a real catch." You laughed. "Honestly guys, there's more to him then his looks." 

"Your only saying that because you fancy him!" Alicia laughed, obviously joking. 

"You of all people know I don't fancy, Cedric," You gave a fake gag. 

"Then who do you fancy?" Angelina asked, a small smile playing at her lips.

Your face instantly turned at brilliant shade of red. You looked at Fred from the corner of your eye, he was looking straight at you with interest.  

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