The Beginning /1

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You are the daughter of Sirius black, you were three when he murdered all those muggles, you were taken from him and went to live with your fathers cousin Andromeda who also happened to be your godmother, you were raised in a small house along side a lake behind the woods. 

You were always a hyper child, always getting into trouble, pulling pranks on your  older cousin Nymphadora, staying up late doing experiments, and sneaking out to ride your older cousins broom. You never had many friends growing up, all the other kids thought you were weird because of the things you did, but you had Dora and that's all that mattered. 

When you were six Dora  attended her first year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, you couldn't wait to receive your letter,you would wait at the door everyday. On your  11th birthday you woke up and ran down stairs to the mail slot almost tripping over a broken step, you picked up the mail and there it was...Your Hogwarts letter, you  jumped up and down in excitement, you  ran into the kitchen to your godmother and her husband Ted. Smiling, you dropped the letter on the table and sat down.

"Mourning sweetheart," Andromeda smiled, standing up and hugging the back of your shoulders,  giving you a kiss on the top of your head "Happy birthday!"

"Mourning ma" You smiled, picking up your letter and shoved it into your godmothers hands.

"LOOK!" Ted chuckled at your excitement.

"Someones excited to be going to Hogwarts" He smiled taking a sip of coffee.

You smiled, grabbing the letter back from Andromeda holding it like it was gonna disappear.

"Open it bug" Ted laughed.

You rolled your eyes at the nickname,  when you were 6 you were playing in the lake when you grabbed a handful of bugs off a log  and shoved them into your mouth, ever since then Ted would always call you hated it.

"I'm waiting for Dora" You smiled, grabbing a piece of toast.

"I'll go wake her" Andromeda  smiled, walking up the stairs.

You were still holding your letter when you were eating, not daring to let it go.

"It won't run away you know-" Ted laughed  "well i don't think it will." he smiled.

Your eyes widened, and your hand held tighter on the letter. Andromeda and Dora walked down the stairs,Dora's hair was black and gray and really messy showing that she was still half asleep.

"DORA!!" You practically flew over to your cousin, holding out your Hogwarts letter.

"Y/N!!" she laughed, grabbing the letter "Happy Birthday Bug!" she laughed ruffling your y/h/c hair.

You pushed her hand away, and grabbed your letter from her ripping it open, you read it out loud

"Dear Miss Black, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely Minerva Mcgonagall."

Your eyes twinkled looking at the letter, this was it you were going to Hogwarts. You smiled and reached into the envelope to find a list of school supplies.

"Congrats y/n/n!" Dora smiled.

"Thanks," You walked over to the table handing your letter to Ted.

"My little bug is growing up so fast" he smiled, wiping a fake tear off his face.

You rolled you eyes playfully, looking over at your cousin who's hair was now a light blue. You all ate breakfast.  Andromeda stood up and walked into the kitchen and brought out a y/f/f cake, you smiled as she put it in front of you.

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