Fred and George/3

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Freds POV

I woke up to my mom yelling that it was time for breakfast, I groaned and threw my pillow across the room at Georges head.

"Hurry up before mom comes up here" he groaned and put his blanket over his head

I sat up and stretched my arms over my head with a yawn, we had just got back from Egypt and I was exhausted. It felt almost physically impossible to stand up, my body still felt half asleep, I was about to give up on getting ready until I heard Ginny shout from downstairs.

"FRED!! A LETTER CAME FOR YOU!!" my eyes widened and jumped up from my bed, pulling on a shirt and running down stairs not waiting for George to get up. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the letter from my little sister, reading the front, I seen my name in slightly neat cursive. I smiled and ripped the envelope open and read what was inside

Dear my lovely Gred,
I would love to come to the leaky cauldron with you guys! I'll have to ask Andromenda though, she'll probably say yes, you know how much she adores your family :)
What is it you wanna show me? I've been thinking of all the stuff it could be but, I guess i'll just have to wait till i see you.
Tell Georgie I said hi.

Yours sincerely,

My face lite up, I hadn't seen Y/n in almost 2 months and it was killing me she was the only thing keeping me at Hogwarts (partly because she would kill me and George if we dropped out). I walked over to the table and kissed my Mum on her cheek before sitting down

"Mourning" she smiled putting a large helping of eggs on my plate "what's got you in such a good mood" she smirked while putting down the spoon full of eggs.

"Y/n said she can go" I smiled grabbing a couple pieces of bacon and pouring a glass of Orange juice

"Oh how wonderful" My Mum said clapping her hands together and smiling "I'll tell your father when he gets home from work"

I smiled before stuffing my face with food, we hadn't eaten anything homemade since we left for Egypt, I hadn't realized how much I missed my Mum's cooking. I was on my second plate of eggs and bacon when I looked up to see a half asleep George rubbing his eyes.

"what time is it?" he questioned as he sat down next to me

"Time to get ready" my Mum laughed

"Yeah Georgie" I nudged my twins shoulder, he glared at me before grabbing a biscuit and some Orange juice

"Thanks for saving me some food" he rolled his eyes and bite his Biscuit

"No problem my dear brother" I laughed handing him a piece of bacon

"You boys need to hurry up and eat" my Mum said using her wand to wash the dishes "we best be going if you want to be able to get Y/n on time" George looked up at the mention of Y/n's name

"Y/n's coming!?" he questioned giving my Mum a puzzled look

"Yeah. If you got up on time you would have know that" I said handing him the letter, he took it and read it over, once he finished he looked at me with a smirk

"what?" I asked eating the last of my eggs

"mY LovELy gReD" he sang still smirking

"Whats wrong with that?" I rolled my eyes, my ears turning a bit red

"Oh nothing" he laughed still smirking   

I turned away rolling my eyes, once again. We finished eating and  walked up into our room, I quickly got changed and started packing our school trunks, it had been about 3 hours and we still weren't fully packed. I heard a knock at the door and jumped, before pulling out a case  from under my bed and cleaning up all the joke stuff we had out. Me and George had been working on a new product for Weasley Wizard Wheezes  so our room was filled with vials and ingredients, we didn't want our Mum finding them so we had Charlie put a charm on our door that only let George and I open it, he was skeptical at first, but he didn't ask questions. I walked over to the door and saw Percy standing there with his arms folded

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