Hospital wing/17

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Your head pounded as you started to regain consciousness. 

"She'll be fine, Fred." 

"Stop worrying, Mate." 

"Dumbledore caught her, she'll be okay."

"That was terrifying." 

You could hear voices whispering, as you slowly opened your eyes, and came face to face with the Gryffindor Quidditch team, who were spattered with mud from head to foot. 

"Y/N!" said George, who looked extremely pale underneath the mud.

"What happened?" You questioned, rubbing your head. 

"Thank Merlin, your not dead!" Lee shouted, clapping his hands together. "Are you okay?" 

"Never better." you replied, rubbing your temples. 

"We thought you were dead for sure." Alicia trembled. 

"Your not gonna get rid of me that easily." you chuckled. 

"Luckily, Dumbledore, was there to catch you." Fred gulped, looking extremely pale. 

Suddenly the memories came flooding back. The dementors- Harry- the Quidditch match. 

"Where's Harry!" You threw the blanket that was covering you away from your bandaged torso, and stood up. You shrieked in agony at the feeling in your legs, Fred quickly wrapped his arm around your waist and sat you back down on the bed. 

"Bloody hell, Black!" said Fred. "You just fell almost 100 feet." 

"Where's, Harry?" you ignored Fred, and looked around the room. 

"Turn around you lunatic." Fred pointed at the bed next to you. 

You turned to your left, and seen Harry, he was laying very still, his jet black hair sticking to his forehead, like he just got out of the shower. Ron and Hermione were sitting by his side. 

"Is he okay?" you asked, pushing yourself up onto your pillow.  

"According to, Madam Pomfrey." said George, walking over to the third year. 

The others then followed him, and looked down at Harry. 

"Lucky the ground was soft." Lee chuckled. 

"Looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" said Ron

"Peaky?" said Fred. 

"What did you expect? He fell over 100 feet."  George scoffed. 

"Yeah, come on, Ron. Let's walk you off the astronomy tower, and see what you look like." Fred chuckled.

Suddenly Harry's eyes snapped open. 

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry smiled, propping himself up on his elbows. 

"How are you feeling?" asked Hermione, sitting on the bed next to Harry. 

"Oh, brilliant." he replied, sarcastically. "What happened?" 

"You fell off," said Fred. "Must've been- what- fifty feet?" 

"We thought you'd died," said Alicia, who was shaking. 

Hermione made a small, squeaky noise. Her eyes were extremely blood shot. 

"Really?" Harry said in the same sarcastic tone. "I meant the match, who won?" 

No one said anything. The horrible truth sank into you like a stone. 

Till Forever Falls Apart  (Fred weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now