The photo/22

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You didn't really have a clear idea of how you had managed to get back to the Gryffindor tower. All you knew was that time seemed to have stopped, you hardly noticed what was going on as you said the password and stepped into the common room. You walked through the short hallway and sat down on the couch, your head pounding with the conversation you had just heard.

'Why had nobody ever told me? Andromeda, Ted, Mr. Weasley, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid? They all knew, and they never said anything.' You stared at the fire as the questions filled your mind.

All through dinner your friends watched you nervously, not daring to talk about what they'd over heard, because Percy was sitting close by. 

When you went upstairs to the crowed common room, you walked straight down to the girls dormitories. It was empty when you entered, the only noise coming from the slight ticking of your alarm clocks. You sat down on your bed and pulled out an old shoe box from the bottom of your trunk. It was filled with old photos, Andromeda had given you, you dumped the box on your bed and went through every picture. They were mostly of you and your dad, but some had different people, one of a man that look extremely like your father, except he was much taller and had shorter hair, he was holding who you assumed was you as a baby, softly rocking you back and fourth. You were about to give up when a photo caught your eye, it was a bunch of teenagers sitting under a tree, their were three men and a women with red hair and green eyes, all of them were laughing and smiling as leaves fell around them. You gasped as you realized who those people were. James and Lily Potter were sat besides a very young looking Remus Lupin, your dad had his arm wrapped around Lupin's shoulder and they were smiling at each other.

You stared at the photo, tears forming in your eyes. He was friends with them. They all trusted him. But he is the reason their dead. Your dad was the reason James and Lily Potter were dead. 

Tears fell from your eyes as you looked over every inch of the picture, the way your fathers head flew back when he laughed, the way his long black hair was messy, they way his smile reached both of his eyes. He was just like you, from the most obvious features to the smallest details. 

There was a sudden 'Thump!'  from your window, you jumped at the noise and quickly wiped your face. You got up from your bed and walked over to the window, you looked out and saw a freckled face smiling up at you. 

"Fred?" you whispered, opening the aperture and letting him step through. 

He quickly stumbled in and landed on the floor with a 'Thud'. 

"How did you get up here?" you questioned, helping the red head up off the floor. 

"I flew." he answered giving you a small smile. 

You gave a small chuckle and sat down on your bed. Fred followed suit and sat next to you. 

"Are you okay?" he asked with a thin voice. 

You nodded, avoiding eye contact. 

"Y/n?" he whispered moving your chin with his index finger so you wold face him.

A tear fell down your cheek as you looked into Fred's big brown eyes. 

"It's alright." Fred soothed, pulling you into his arms. 

"What if I turn out like him?" you sobbed. "What if I become bad?" 

"Your not bad, Y/n." Fred reassured. 

"How do you know?" you pulled away from the hug so you could face him. 

"Because your not." he said.

"You don't know that. You heard what Madam Rosmerta said, he was the last person she would have thought would turn to the dark side and well...I'm apparently just like him." you whimpered. 

"Your not going to end up like him, Y/n." Fred cupped your cheek in his hand as he spoke. "You have friends who care to much about you to let that happen." 

"So did he." your voice was brittle as you looked down at the pictures on your bed. 

Fred went quiet at your response, not really sure how to comfort you. He simply pulled you into his arms once again.

"He betrayed them Freddie!" you sobbed for the third time. "He's the reason Harry doesn't have parents! The reason he can't have a normal life!" your words were barely audible as you cried into Fred's sweater.  

"It's not your fault." Fred said as a matter of fact. 

"Then why do I feel guilty?" you cried. 

"Because you have a good heart, and you care about people." Fred replied, stroking his fingers through your messy y/h/c hair. "Which is exactly why your not going to turn out like your father." 

You nodded into his sweater as you began to calm down. 

"Your not bad Y/n, your anything but bad. Your sweet, caring, smart, beautiful...and yeah you occasionally throw people off their brooms, and pull pranks that end us all in detention." Fred chuckled.  

You gave a shaky laugh and pulled away from Fred. His beautiful brown eyes sparkling as he talked about you.  

"Thank you." you smiled. 

"Forever." Fred smiled back. "Want to head up to bed?" he questioned. 

"Yes please." You quickly got changed in the bathroom, Fred waiting for you outside.

The two of you headed up to the boys dorm and got into bed. George and Lee seemed to still be in the common room, their beds empty. 

"Goodnight, darling." Fred said, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you towards his chest. 

"Goodnight, Freddie." you smiled and snuggled into his embrace. "Hey Fred?" 

"Hmm?" he hummed in response. 

"You think I'm beautiful?" you smirked, looking up at the red head. 

"Go to sleep, Black." he laughed. 

You smiled and laid your head back down. Even though you were still upset and worried about your dad, you fell asleep rather quickly. 

HIIIII, this is a super super super short chapter.  I've never wrote anything this short before, but it was really just a needed filler. Anyways I'm almost finished with the next chapter so expect that by Wednesday or tomorrow. Hope you all have a great day or night, love you all!!!!! Stay safe and healthy.

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