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When you arrived at Hogsmeade village, you headed to Zonko's joke shop. Lee was sitting on a bench in front of the store waiting for the three of you. 

"Took you long enough!" he shouted, jogging over to you and the twins. "Did you give it to him?" 

"Sure did." you smiled rubbing your hands together. "Can we go inside now? It's freezing." 

They all nodded and headed inside the crowed shop, students filling every isle. You could hardly see anything over the heads of people running throughout the store. 

"Let's split up!" said Fred.

You all agreed and went different directions, Lee to the back of the store, George to the right, and you and Fred to the left.  

"What are we out of?" you asked, checking the prank list of items you needed. 

"Stink pellets, Dung bombs, and Hiccough sweets." he listed checking off a mental list.

"Okay." you nodded, walking over to the isle with the Dung bombs and Stink pellets.

You reached up to grab the box of prank supplies that was on the top shelf, but missed by at least a foot. 

"Need some help?" Fred smirked, reaching over your head and grabbing the box. 

"I didn't need your help. I could have used my wand." you huffed, punching him in the torso.

"Ow!" he whimpered, rubbing his side. "What'd you do that for?" 

"Because, you being taller than me isn't fair." you groaned. 

Fred laughed and put his arm on top of your head. 

"I like it! Your a perfect arm rest!" he smirked. 

"Shut up." you smiled, pushing his arm away and walking over to the Hiccough sweets. 

Once you were all finished shopping you walked over to the Three broom sticks, where Alicia, Katie, and Angelina were waiting. You walked inside, and were immediately welcomed with a warm sense of homeyness. The smell of gingerbread and butterbeer filling the air. You smiled as you saw your friends, they already had their butterbeers and were chatting among themselves. Alicia was the first to spot the four of you and waved you all over. 

"Hey!" she smiled, scooting closer to the wall to make room for you. 

The four of you smiled and walked over. Lee sat next to Alicia, George next to Angie and Katie, while you and Fred pulled up two chairs and sat on the side of the booth. 

The seven of you talked for awhile about anything and everything. Lee flirting with Alicia, and Alicia acting like she was annoyed. You and Fred chuckled at her, knowing of her true feelings for Lee. George and Katie were arguing over who was a better seeker, Cho Chang or Cedric Diggory. George said Cho, because she's smaller, meaning she's a faster flyer. Katie said Cedric, because well...he's bigger and stronger. You honestly weren't interested in the conversation, knowing that it would last all day if you intervened. You looked around the shop until you saw a brown and red blur come through the door. 

"Hermione! Ron!" you called. 

The third year's looked your way and smiled as they walked towards your table. 

"Is he?" you pointed at a empty space between the two.

"Yeah." a voice answered from a few feet next to you. 

"How'd it go!" Fred asked excitedly.

"The map worked great." Harry whispered. 

"Smart using the cloak Harry." George complimented.  

Till Forever Falls Apart  (Fred weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now