The Marauders Map/20

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The end of term had come faster than you expected. You had avoided Lupin as best you could the past 2 weeks, you were still upset and confused about the talk you had, he hadn't tried to make an effort in talking to you either, he hadn't spoken a word to you, not even during class. Lee was concerned that you were going to fall behind in his class if you didn't participate, but Fred had told him to bugger off. 

It was currently 5:30 p.m and you were sitting in the girls dormitories writing a letter to Andromeda about your plans for Christmas, you were to tell her that you would be going home. Just as you were about walk out of the room, there was a tap on the window besides your bed, you jumped at the sudden noise and looked around. There at the sill of your window stood a beautiful barn owl that you recognized quite well.  

"Hey, Sandy." you smiled, opening the aperture. 

The sandy brown owl flew into the room, it's long wings flapping around. You smiled and scratched behind her lower back, untying the letter she had wrapped around her ankle. 

"Thank you." you said, unwrapping the envelope and taking out the piece of parchment.  

Dear Y/n, 

I'm sorry, but I can't make it home for Christmas this year. I have loads of work to finish and Mad-eye wants me to go with him to London for a 'secret assignment'. I wish I could see you, but duty calls! I miss you loads, and can't wait to see you during spring holiday. 

Lots of Love, Dora 

P.S. Tell Fred I said hello ;) and George and Lee of course. 

You frowned slightly at the letter, upset that you wouldn't be able to see your older cousin on Christmas, but also proud of her for becoming an Auror. You sighed and walked over to your night stand where Sandy was perched, pecking at your left over jelly slug wrapper. 

"Don't eat that." you giggled, taking the wrapper and handing the bird a piece of Toffee's food. "Don't tell Toff."  

The bird made a small hooting sound while munching on the food. 

You smiled before unwrapping the letter you wrote for Andromeda and crumbling it up. You promised Fred and George you would stay with them if, Dora said she couldn't come home, so that's what you were gonna do, stay at Hogwarts for Christmas break. 

You wrote another letter and sent it off with Sandy, who had helped herself to more cat food, and flew away. 

When you were finished it was about 6:00, meaning it was time to head down to dinner. You got up from your bed and headed downstairs, Alicia and Katie were sitting at one of the tables, playing wizards chess when they spotted you from the bottom of the staircase. 

"Where have you been, Y/n? The twins and Lee already went off to dinner." Alicia asked, focusing more on the game then you. 

"Writing to Andromeda and Dora." you shrugged. "You guys gonna head down to dinner?" you questioned, squatting down next to Katie.

"After I win." Katie exclaimed. 

"We're gonna be here forever than." Alicia laughed. 

"Piss off, Alicia." Katie hissed. 

"Well then, I'll go alone." You laughed and stood up, waving goodbye to the girls and walking out through the portrait door. 

You walked down the first set of stairs, when it suddenly changed directions. 

"Bloody stairs!" you groaned, holding onto the handles. Once the stairs came to a stop you let go and walked up to the top of the floor, you had know idea which one. 

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