Snape's a Git/10

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You walked up the moving stairs, the thoughts about why Professor Lupin blocked your boggart still filling your head. 

"What's on your mind?" Fred asked nudging your shoulder 

"Nothing" you shrugged holding onto your book bag 

Nobody seemed to have noticed that Lupin blocked your boggart (which you were glad about) 

Fred gave you a 'Really' look and stopped walking. The others going up the stairs not noticing the conversation that was happening behind them.

"Y/n?" Fred said pursing his lips "I've known you for 5 years, I can tell when your lying" he laughed putting an arm around your shoulder 

"I'm fine, really" you smiled "I just don't want to have detention with Snape tonight, that's all" you sighed, looking up at the red head

"Don't worry, It won't be that bad" he smirked "I'll be there." you rolled your eyes and pushed Fred's arm off of you.

"Oh No, now i'm really dreading it" you said in a sarcastic tone

"Don't be a git!" he laughed walking behind you 

The two of you walked up the stairs and into the Gryffindor common room, where the others were sat around the fire place. You pushed Lee out of your favorite armchair and sat down. 

"Hey!" he protested trying to move you 

"It won't work Lee." George laughed "Once she sits, she's not getting back up." Lee groaned and sat on the floor by Alicia 

"Everyone knows this is my spot." you laughed, lifting your feet onto the arm rest 

"why?" Angelina asked from the couch 

"It's comfy." you smiled, taking out your charms homework 

  "She only likes it, because it's right next to the Taffy jar" Fred laughed, sitting down on the floor at the bottom of your chair  

"Stop telling people my secrets!" you groaned throwing a Taffy at Fred's head 

He smiled and unwrapped the candy 

"Thanks, Love" he winked plopping it into his mouth 

"Rude" you mumbled, starting on your homework. 

You worked on your homework for about 2 hours before it was time for the others to go to dinner, since you had detention with Snivellus, you and Fred stayed behind. 

"I can't believe we have to miss dinner!" you groaned, sliding onto the floor next to Fred.

"He's a git" Fred whined "You didn't even do anything" 

"He's out to get me." you sighed, leaning your head on Fred's shoulder to read the paper he was holding 

"What are you doing?" you questioned 

"Order forms" he smiled handing you the piece of parchment "Me and George are gonna start selling our products." his eyes sparkled, as he talked about his dream of opening a joke shop. 

"That's Brilliant!" you smiled, wrapping your arms around the boy.

He gave a goofy smile before wrapping his long arms around your waist. 

"Thanks," he whispered into your ear "You known the offer still stands about working with us!" he smirked, letting go of the hug 

"No!" you laughed "Never in a million years will I work for you, besides you know I want to be a Magizoologist." 

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