You do like blondes!/11

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October had arrived sooner then you expected, the small hint of summer weather gone, and replaced with a cool autumn breeze. Class was the same, except for the fact that, Defense Against the Dark Arts had quickly became everyone's favorite class. Professor Lupin was an excellent teacher, and even though you still wondered why he blocked your boggart in class, he was now one of your favorite professors. Hagrid on the other hand...wasn't doing too well, Care for Magical Creatures had become extremely dull, and he had lost all his confidence due to the incident with Buck-beak.

You were currently walking down the the great hall with Lee, holding a flobberworm that Hagrid had given you. 

"Ugh!" you groaned, plopping down on the bench next to Fred 

"What's wrong now?" he chuckled 

"Hagrid wants me to take care of this stupid worm!" you said, putting the glass jar down on the table "Why don't you have one?" you questioned "Your in Care for Magical Creatures too?" you turned to face the red head. 

"That there," he pointed at your flobberworm "is mine too." Fred laughed "I asked Hagrid if I could be partners with you." 

You groaned and crossed your arms, laying your head down. 

"Come on Y/n, you love magical creatures!" Lee smiled 

"Yeah, but a flobberworm, I mean come on!" you lifted your head back up, and grabbed a lunch roll. 

"Give em a break." said George "He almost lost his job." you nodded, understanding what George meant. 

"I guess." you bit into your food and looked over at Fred, who was examining the flobberworm 

"Pathetic little thing, isn't it?" he gave a disgusted face 

"Yep!" you nodded "They don't do anything!" you groaned 

"Lighten up Y/n/n." he chuckled, nudging your shoulder

You rolled your eyes, and grabbed more food, stacking your plate. 

"Geez Y/n!" George snickered "Save room for dinner." 

"Ha ha" you said sarcastically  "We've got Quidditch today, remember?" 

"WHAT!" Lee shouted, causing half the great hall to look at him "Who am I supposed to eat dinner with?!?" 

"Calm down," Fred said "just bring your food down to the pitch." 

"Okay," Lee nodded 

You laughed, your mouth stuffed with food

"That's lady like." Fred laughed. 

You gave him the finger and took another bite of your sandwich. Once you were all done eating, you headed down to Herbology. The four of you walked down to the green house behind the castle, Lee almost tripping on the stone steps. When you arrived to the green house, Professor sprout was already lecturing the class about the importance of gloves, 

"Fanged Geranium!" Professor Sprout shouted "A common garden plant that is known to bite or attack if not taken care of. I advise all of you to where gloves just in case!" she said, using her wand to pass out a couple pairs of gloves. 

"Professor?" a small Hufflepuff girl said, "Their just seeds?" she held up a bright green bag with large purple words on the front. 

"Yes, but that doesn't stop them from attacking." Professor Sprout clapped her hands together "Now pair up, and grab a pot!" 

You looked on your left to see George and Lee arguing about who has to wear the gloves, and who has to get the pot, you smiled and turned to Fred who was already looking at you. 

Till Forever Falls Apart  (Fred weasley X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें