Innocents /19

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It was a relief to return to the noise and bustle of the main school the next mourning, where you were forced to think of other things besides your Dad and your feelings for Fred. You were sitting in the great hall listening to, Draco taunt the Gryffindor teams defeat. He had finally taken off his bandages and was waving his arms around, doing a imitation of Harry falling off his broom. You shot him a glare, and he quickly sat down, not wanting to upset you. 

"What a git." George sneered, shooting an awful look, Malfoy's way. 

"I still can't believe your related to that bloke." Fred huffed, shoveling a piece of toast in his mouth. 

"WHAT?!" said Lee, a tone of surprise and confusion in his voice. 

"Fred, you really have a big mouth!" You groaned, turning towards Lee. 

"He's my cousin." You explained.

"When were you planning on telling us this?" George questioned, a hurt expression on his face. 

"Wasn't, if I'm being honest." you shrugged, eating the rest of your breakfast. 

"You really think you know a girl, then you find out she has a whole secret cousin." George ranted, a small smile on his face. 

"It wasn't a secret," you laughed.

"Then why didn't you tell us?" Fred asked, propping himself on his elbows. 

"You never asked." you smirked. 

"Fair enough." he nodded. 

The four of you ate the rest of your food and headed down to Potions. Fred and you sat in the back of the class, while Lee and George sat in front of you. 

"Try not to get kicked out this time." Fred smirked, as you sat down. 

"Shut up, that was one time." you huffed, nudging his shoulder causing Fred to laugh.

Snape then walked through the door, his long cloak flowing behind him, his greasy black hair whipping around as he turned to face the class. 

"Turn to page one hundred and thirty- seven" said Snape in a monotone voice. 

You did as told and flipped to the page, you looked over the potion and turned a bright red at the name'Erecting Potion'.  Fred gave a muffled laugh as he also read the name of the potion, the two of you looked at each other and covered your mouth's, not wanting to get kicked out for laughing. 

"You have one hour to complete the potion, begin!" Snape hissed, flipping his cloak and walking over to is desk. 

You looked over at Fred, who was still trying to hold in his laughter. 

"Stop, laughing and help me with this." you scolded, handing him a ladle. 

"You were laughing too." he mumbled, grabbing the object as you dumped some ingredients in the cauldron that was placed in front of you. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." you snickered. 

Once you finished Potions, you headed to DADA (Defense against the dark arts). Lupin had been absent for a couple weeks, and Snape had been teaching the class while he was away. You were worried about the Professor, the two of you had become quite close since you had tea.

"If Snape's in there, I'm skiving off." said Fred, hiding behind your shoulder. 

"Y/n, check who's in there." George added, also hiding behind you. 

You rolled your eyes and peered into the classroom, looking to see who was teaching. You smiled when you saw the tall blonde, his amber eyes sparkling when he saw you. 

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