Chapter 4

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A/N CAN I JUST SAY WOW AND THANK YOU! I've gotten alot of reads and votes recently and it really made me happy :D to say thanks I will update 2 chapters today and start updating regularly!


Your POV

"Wait, hold up, this is too much to process!" I gave a small chuckle. "You're THE WORLD FAMOUS L and you want ME to work with you?" I exclaimed.

"Thats the plan" Ryu smirked, putting his hands in his pockets.

I stepped out of the house and followed Ryu to his car.

"As long as you agree to this case I am very happy for us to work together but I have 1 condition" He said, opening the passenger seat door for me.

"Oh and what is that?" I asked, climbing into the car.

"You use the alias FN/I (first name intial) so you do not get hurt" He said with a stern look on his face.

"Oh yeah sure I will, and you will too?" I said clipping my seat belt.

"I will use L as my alias, as always. The only difference with this case is that I will reveal my identity to my co-workers."

He said as we started to pull away from my house.

"Wow, this must be a pretty important case for you to reveal your identity" I said, impressed.

"Not so much important, more dangerous, life threateningly dangerous to be exact"

A/N dun dun dun! I will have the next chapter up by 19:00 and it will be a long one, I promise <3

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