Chapter 19

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Hey guys! In the last update I did a voting scheme for this chapter. The winner was......C (a jelly boyfriend c;)!!!! But A also had alot of votes so I thought....WHY NOT BOTH?!?!? ENJOY!

(P.s Can i just say how much I love all of you? You are all so sweet and even if you feel like you have no one, I'm always here <3)

♡ Remember to vote and follow me ♡



Her last words.

What she spoke on the mic were her last words to me.

She changed the plan.

My body fills with emotion; sorrow, fear, anger, anxiety.

It gives me almost an adrenaline rush.

I have to find her. Without her I have no purpose.

The connection to the earpiece is only static indicating it has been destroyed. Maybe she did it on purpose and she really has left me...I heard everything...

I blank out my emotions and concentrate on my next actions.

If she loves me or not I have to get her back and hold her one last time.

I contact all of the SPK and police force vehicles and explain the situation to those unaware. They begin an immediate search but I know it won't be enough.

For the first time in 6 years I run.

I haven't so much as jogged in all this time but I sprint out of the vehicle, past the restaurant and back to the SPK HQ.

As soon as I reach the room I pick up the phone attached to the wall. First I call Watari and request he travels to Wammys House. I punch in numbers and call the only other number I know off by heart.

"Hello?" The voice says from the other end.

"Hello its L" I answer, my voice barely a whisper.

"Long time no speak! Wassup?" He asks.

"Look Matt I'll get straight to the point. I need your help. Now". I say as sternly as I can manage.

"Woah, the greatest detective in the world needs MY help? Awesome! What do you need?". He says with emphasis on the "Awesome".

"I'll explain soon. Bring Mello and Near please. Watari is coming to collect you. Thank you." I cut the call.

I log onto my laptop and begin tracking all cars in the nearby area. Working with the police force had some benefits.

No suspicious vehicles were detected. I sighed and pulled my legs to my chest. If I didn't see her again I'd fall back into my previous depressive state. I don't love her. I need her. Even if she doesn't feel the same way.

I stared blankly at a wall and was only interrupted by Matt and Mello opening the door and crashing in loudly.

"Wassup L!" Matt shouted, plopping down onto a ottoman chair. Mello followed him and sat next to him with a sigh. "What do you want L, I'm a busy person". Matt threw him a disapproving look. "Shut up Mells. So L, what happened?" He smiled.

I sighed, explaining would be difficult but necessary.

"I'll keep it breif so we can get to work as soon as possible. I finally found a girlfriend. Please Matt save your jokes until later. But unfortunately she has been kidnapped. The police are searching for her but I know it wont be enough. As you may be aware, there have been a series of killings by a mysterious person named Kira using a mythical notebook that kills the person whos name is written inside. In a plan to catch the person doing so. Our suspect kidnapped my girlfriend, Y/N. And I have quite some faith in you to help me".

They both looked stunned.

"Wow this is pretty serious" Mello said.

"Especially as shes probably the only person who will ever date you" Joked Matt.

I sighed and scowled at him.

"But we will help you, leave it with us". Matt said.

"Tch, without me you won't get very far" Near said, entering the room.

"Shut up Near we can handle things better than you, we are adults after all".

Near rolled his eyes "Lets get started shall we?".



We drove for what seemed days. But realistically was probably only an hour or so. I sobbed the whole time.

We arrived at a classy looking hotel. Light turned around to face me "We are entering the hotel. Do not attempt to escape or both you and L will die instantly. We will stay here for as long as I desire and you will be my girlfriend. Got it?" He smirked.

I nodded obediently.

He opened the door for me and grabbed my hand with an iron grip. We abandonded the car and entered the hotel. It was expensive and beautiful looking but I stared blankly into space.

He checked in hastily then dragged me into the elevator. The silence in there was deadly. He pulled me along the corridors until we reached room 325. He pushed me abruptly inside and locked the bolts on the door. He pushed me onto the bed and said "Stay" firmly. He grinned then sait "Sit". I gritted my teeth. I wasn't a dog. His back was turned as he fiddled with the wires connecting the phone to reception, disconnecting it.

His comment had fueled my anger. It was dangerous and stupid but probably my only option. I eyed the window. The balcony was 3 floors high. The door was locked. There was a door on the opposite wall that was locked and was used to connect rooms if several families stayed here. It was locked but looked old and weak. Could I smash it before he caught me? He had to poop sometime. I internally laughed to myself. My sadness and fear was drifting away and all that remained was anger and determination. I had to find out how the death note worked, then plan my escape. While I was thinking he had sucessfully disconnected the phone and was stood in front of me. I looked up to him with a blank expression.

"We're alone now, this could be fun" he said with a smirk, placing his hand on my thigh.

I looked him dead in the face with angered eyes and shuddered. I would kill him. Even if it killed me, or sent me to prison. I would keep L alive and solve the Kira case.

Death Note~ Oddly Beautiful (L x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now