Chapter 12

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A/N Hallo! The ammount of votes and reads is amazing! Over 1k reads!!!! .O.

I have a few ideas for a special chapter but if you have any ideas or requests for any characters, plots etc then pls comment :3

This chapters shoutouts goes to: Lucanorith and DeathnoteEm(Em will be included next chapter!) for being such amazing readers! n.n <3 Enjoy!



Confessing love is risky for anyone but especially for me. How could anyone as amazing and beautiful as Y/N love me?

She's perfect and I'm not. And now I'm stuck in hospital I can't do anything. Whatever will I do? I need to concentrate on healing. A good nights sleep is all I need. Maybe my deductive reasoning will improve then.


Your POV

That night I slept at the hospital. The darkness was eerie and the bed they supplied was uncomfortable but I'd do anything to be by Ryu's side. I knew he was going to be okay but I had to be with him. After he said he loved me we stayed close until he drifted to sleep. I had to leave him for a short while as I had to make a few phonecalls and stuff. I added Lights number to my phone and texted him thanks again. I rang the Task Force members and informed them that we would continue the investigation as soon as L was healed. They all agreed to do some personal research which helped alot. I was positive we could solve this but we couldn't do it without L.

I also spoke to some nurses who said that it was impossible to say how long L would be in the hospital. The nurses called him Liam as he couldn't give his real name or alias. It made me chuckle every time they referred to him as that. It also reminded me that Ryuzaki may not be his real name either.But maybe its better I don't know, for his own safety.

After all this it was pretty late and thats when I instructed a nurse to assemble a spare bed. It was in the room next to Ls and the walls were so thin I could hear his breathing. Comforted by this I fell asleep.

I awoke abruptly during the night to hear someone crying. I listened carefully so I could pinpoint the noise. It was muffled but sounded close. I padded to the next room where I saw a curled up lump underneath the duvets. "Ryu?" I whispered hoarsely. The sound stopped. He slowed his breathing, pretending to be asleep.

"Ryu I know you're awake, you're a horrible actor" I chuckled. It was cold in here and I was shivering. I pulled back the duvet and crawled next to him,putting my arms around his neck.

Even in the dark gloom he was still adorable. I could see his cheeks were shiny. I placed my left hand on his cheek. I cuddled closer to him "Why are you crying?!? Are you hurt?" I exclaimed.

He shook his head.

"Whats wrong?" I asked. Instead of answering he just put his head on the crook of my neck and pulled me closer to him. We could have stayed like that for a couple of minutes, or hours, or all night. But eventually I blacked out into a dreamless sleep.


A/N Ty for reading! Please comment and vote <3

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