Chapter 2

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Ty guys for the reads and votes! Very much appreciated. I will start updating very quickly now so, enjoy!



'Dear Diary,

I spent gradually more and more time with Ryuzaki this week. After our encounter in the Library we've become pretty great friends. Connie still hung out with me occassionally but my lunches and breaks were mostly spent with Ryu. He hates the pet name Ryu so thats mostly why I call him that hehe. The thing is, hes so different. I know most girls say that about boys but they mean it in a romantic way while I don't. I mean, hes cute and smart and funny and adorable and quirky and interesting I really have feelings for him? Anyway this diary is meant to be a planner and detailed account of my day, NOT A ROMANCE NOVEL. I have to go do homework now so I'll write tommorrow.

Yours, Y/N.'

I slammed the navy notebook shut. "Why did I think this was a good idea? Imagine if Ryu found this diary!" I say outloud. Nobody can hear me as I'm home alone. I meander downstairs so fix some food a I think about my week. Alot has changed. I met Ryu only on Monday and now its Friday, but I feel I've known him for years. We're pretty much best friends now. I actually can't wait for Monday to see him again.

As I search through the cupboard for some peanut butter for my sandwhich I hear the doorbell ring.

"JUST A MOMENT" I call out to whomever may be at my door. I sprint through my apartment to the door and open it.

The raven haired boy stands there with a smirk on his face and a hand behind his neck. "Oh um, hey Ryu, what are you doing here?" I stutter.

And thats when he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me close...

TO BE CONTINUED >:D (sorry im evil arent i?)

Death Note~ Oddly Beautiful (L x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ