Chapter 16

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A/N sorry for the wait! Enjoy!


Light POV

I had promised myself I wouldn't tell her. But earlier I saw her and L in hospital

together and it made me so jealous. He doesn't deserve her! I am God of the new world and I need a Godess by my side. This is the only way I can keep her. Wether she agrees or not.


Your POV

I knew from the start. Light was shifty. There was something wrong with him. He was Kira.

I attempted to keep my calm facade by smiling. "Yes I do actually. I don't know much but I am aware of what they are doing". I was trying to not be biased on my opinion of Kira, it could give him mixed messages. My anger came over me and I added: "But I do know that my loving boyfriend is trying to destroy him. He has been working on this case for weeks and has very good evidence. One more clue and Kira will be brought to justice". I smirked. This could end badly for me but standing up for L was more important.

Light looked taken aback.

"Is that so?" He smirked, also looking nervous. "Well you wouldn't harm me would you? Would you sentence me to death?" He asked raising his voice.

"If the situation called for it, yes." I answered bluntly.

"I hope this may change your mind Y/N" He said with a manic grin. He rummaged through his satchel and brought out a black notebook. He held it up. "I am Kira and this". He pointed to the book. "Is my Death Note that I write in to kill anyone anywhere".

My stomach flipped over.

I had no idea how to play this off.

To be shocked?

To cry and act upset?

To be calm and accept this?

I chose the only thing I knew how. Laugh.

I chuckled to dull the ache of fear in my stomach. "Oh Light, you are so funny!" I said continuing laughing as he looked utterly shell shocked.

"This was elaborate for a joke Light! Maybe a bit too far but you are such a joker!" I was chuckling again.

"I AM NOT 'JOKING' I AM KIRA GOD OF THE NEW WORLD" He screeched, standing up with palms on the table. Everyone in the cafe turned and stared.

"Light calm down, everyone is staring. They might think you actually are Kira!"

I laughed again. He was furious.

"Don't worry everyone, hes just joking" I assured the rest of the cafe.

Panic was really settling in and I had to go talk to L. I needed an excuse.

"Well Light, this was funny but I'm super busy so I have to go now. See you later!" I said with a kawaii smile and wave while walking out.

His angered face was the last thing I saw.

I wanted to cry in fear. That was so stupid but at least I'm alive.

I head towards mine and L's favourite shop.

Time for cupcakes.



Y/N has been gone for over 2 hours. If only I wasn't stuck here I could go find her. I need to stop worrying. 'She will be fine' I assure myself. But that doesn't stop me from staring at the door waiting for her.

~30 min time skip~

I jerked my head up awake. I must have fallen alsleep waiting. I place my thumb at the edge of my mouth. The panic comes back..she is still not here.

I look around for a Nurse to ask if they have seen her but there aren't many Nurses around at this time. Tch.

While I was distracted I don't notice the Clack Clack noise of Y/N's shoes across the ward. Shes holding cupcakes but has tears in her eyes.

She sits down on the edge of my bed. "I'm s-sorry I was g-gone so long" She stutters looking down.

I immediately pull her close to me and kiss the top of her soft hair.

"Tell me everything" I whisper.

I can feel her shaking with sobs.

"I lied to you, I also went to go meet Light because he kept annoying me. I thought he would shut up if I finally agreed to meet him but he told me that..." She pauses to cry.

I hug her tighter.

"He told me he was Kira and showed me some sort of Death notebook".

"W-what?!?!" I stuttered angrily. If that b#stard hurt her I will kill him".

"I was so scared, I tried to laugh it off like I didn't believe him and he got so angry and I'm petrified." She said, still crying.

I leant back and pulled her so our noses touched and we could cuddle.

"As long as you are with me, I won't allow anything to hurt you. As soon as I am discharged from here I will solve this case and have Light put to death. I am Justice".

After that we both fell asleep in each others arms.


A/N Btw I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to make me a new cover for this fic? I made the current one in a rush and its not very good. I will give you a shoutout/credit and whatnot. Ty ^_^

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