Chapter 24

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I'll cut a long story short

I've been very ill for over 4 months and I'm a piece of shit for not explaining but I'm on some pills and stuff now so I'm like 90% better. So I'm fine! I'm back and I will update so much faster! However quick note, this story is coming to a closeee! NOOOOO (even though there will likely be a sequel)OOOOOO! :(

also this chapter is short and sweet but i felt bad so heres a little thing to put you on until i can write more yay

P.S If someone could make a new L themed cover (just to shake thing up lol) I will love u forever.

"What the hell happened?" He frowned.

BB's laughter filled the air "Oh wow you don't really believe in those stupid legends do you? Cmon I thought you were more mature than that doll. Stop being an idiot and move my couch back" He laughs.
I frown at him but move his couch. Ignoring the shadowy figure in the corner of my vision.
"We have some visitors arriving today Y/N so I'll need to take some precautions, sorry in advance" He moves swiftly towards me and before I can object he clicks one half of some shiny silver handcuffs to me. Great.
The sharp metal digs into my wrist and tears form in my eyes. Asshole.
"Hey now dollface no need to cry, our visitors are friends of yours and if we can all behave, you can return home, got it?" He says rather sharply.
I nod sadly.

The sound of a car screeching up comes from outside.
"Oh goody, thats them now!" He says, tugging me by the cuffs to the door.
He pulls me into a bleak concrete courtyard with a familiar black car at one end. 3 figures walk towards us from the distance.
"Play time" He mutters but I ignore him.
He reaches for his pocket.
"Ah yes one more thing" He pulls out a silver roll of duct tape. "Sorry doll, can't have you ruining my plans in some way, but you'll soon be free to go".
He holds me close to his tall frame. I can see Matt, Mello and Lawliet sprinting towards us. Mello holding a gun of course.
And there he is, looking more sleep deprived that ever, in his shirt I'd love to cuddle against, looking oddly beautiful with his windswept raven locks, stood right in front of me. I pull against BB as hard as I can although I know there is no chance of the metal cuffs breaking. "Hey, quit it doll, we have business to take care of".
L reaches out to take my hand but BB sharply pulls me behind him.
"You can't have your lady just yet Lawliet, we have a deal"
Matt and Mello glance at each other nervously and Matt grabs Mello's hand gently.
"We have what you want asshole just hand her over" Mello says with gritted teeth.
BB hold his hand out expectantly.
L pulls a small black notebook out of his back pocket and places it into BB's hand. "H-how did you get that?" I stare open mouthed.
"I'm the greatest detective in the world, I have my ways" He smirks at me.
BB roughly shoves me towards L and holds the note above his head.
"Finally! I've dreamed of the day I could own a note!" He practically jumps up and down with joy.
I throw my arms around Lawliet's neck "I have no idea how you got that or where from but you are the greatest person to ever exist, I love you".

"And I love let's go before he realises" He mutters. "Realises what?" I ask as he grabs my hand and pulls me towards their car while BB is distracted reading the first few pages of the note. "Its not real, faked, forgery, faux, whatever you wanna call it" Whispers Matt. My eyes widen in shock and relief, while BB will likely now come after us, at least L will never have to see a shinigami. I climb into the back seat with L while Matt rides shotgun and  Mello drives. Once the doors are locked "But this is.." I say hoarsely and pull out my real note from under my shirt.

Matt, Mello and L collectively gasp. "Where the bloody hell did you get that?" Mello shouts from the front seat.
I shrug. "Light really isn't as smart as I thought he was. It almost cost me my life but I got it. What a dumbass" I laugh.
They just stare back in shock.
"You're the dumbass Y/N! You almost got yourself killed over that stupid notebook! If we knew you had that we could have given it to BB instead of forging one!" Melli shouts. "You put L through hell! Was this your own plan all along?".
"Woah woah think logically Mello, if it was her plan all along to get the stupid book she would have killed us all by now. Or be working with Light. Let her explain what happened first for god sake" Said Matt with a hand on his shoulder.
I sigh.
"Ok but it might take a while so sit comfortably"
And so I explain as we drive.

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