Chapter 14

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A/N OVER 3000 READS AND 150 VOTES. GUYS IM FREAKING OUT THANK YOU! IM GLAD TO BE BACK! (sorrys it took so long) Enjoy this chapter again with the O/C!


Your POV (dw there will be an L POV in this chapter)

I haven't spoke to Em in so long.

She was my only real friend. Aside from Connie, who wasn't such a great friend. We were really close until she moved away and we lost contact.

We just stay hugging for a while.

"I've missed you!" We say simutaneously.

We both laugh.

I totally forgot about finding L and chat with Em for a while. We catch up on everything that has happened since we last had contact. I learn that she broke her leg falling over in her Cross Country championships and thats why shes here. I explain why I'm here and about everything that happened. She says she hopes L makes a good recovery.

I take her number and tell her I'll visit later.

I wander off again to find L.

They moved him right into the corner of the ward and gave him a different bed. Its pretty small but his slight frame makes the bed look huge. He looks so child-like

that I can't help but greet him with a hug.

He actually hugs me back and rests his head on the crook of my neck. I realise how hard this must be for him. He was so determined to start the Kira case and now he's stuck here.

We pull away finally.

"You have to go back home Y/N. Go pack some clothes and stuff and take them to our hotel, the Nurse said I can be discharged soon" He pauses for breath "And also you've had the same outfit for a couple of days and not eaten, I don't want to burden your health ok?"

"Don't be silly! You're not a burden!" I chuckle. "I chose to stay here okay? But if it makes you happy I'll go pack some stuff. I'll be gone an 2 hours at most"

I give him a quick kiss and make my way out of the hospital.

I find my purse and my pocket and take a Taxi to my house. When I get there it seems so lonely and empty. Memories of my normal school life and L inviting me to join him in the investigation come flooding back. We were on Summer vacation now for 8 weeks but I felt a school routine may inforce some normality. But I certainly don't miss the lessons and Connie. Just as start to walk into my room my phone rings. I answer it and its Light. "H-hello?" I ask. "Hello Y/N how are you?" He asks, seemingly cheery. "Oh I'm good. I'm a little busy at the moment" I say trying to end our conversation quickly. He seems so odd...

"I noticed you took a cab to your house and was wondering if you needed any help with anything? I hope L's okay."

'woah okay thats a bit creepy, knowing that I took a cab home' I think.

"I'm alright thank you, L is fine infact he could be discharged soon".

"Thats great" He replies but his voice sounds thick like his teeth were gritted.

"Well I have to go now. Cya Light" I say, ending the call quickly so he can't say anything more. "What a weirdo" I say laughing outloud and packing my things.



Spending alot of time resting has given me alot of time to think.

We haven't even started the case yet. My injury is such a bother. I'm a burden on everyone. I want to just give up....



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