Chapter 7

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A/N Nothing much to say but thanks for the reads and votes! Enjoy ^_^



This questioning is becoming tedious very quickly.

I was 99% positive that none of them were Kira but never the less, I had to be 100% sure.

Finnally the last member walked into the room.

"Matsuda?" I asked.

He nodded.

T'hank goodness, he's the last member' I thought.

I went through the familiar process of question, make notes, question, make notes, and so on.

When we were done Matsuda gave a sigh and walked out. I packed up my notes and went into the living room area.

"Thank you for being here today everyone, you may now leave and we will start our official investigation tommorrow, goodbye"

The members packed up and walked out but I noticed Matsuda was still talking to Y/N. I felt a minor twinge of jealousy but brushed it off.

"Hey L I'm going out for a little while ok? I'll be back in 2 hours tops. Cya!" Y/N said, slamming the door behind before I had time to object.

More jelousy bubbled inside of me and I gripped the table beside me. I felt like I needed to smash something.

I attempted to calm down but all I could think of was what Matsuda and Y/N might be doing. I couldn't go stop her because I'd seem jelous and protective. And we weren't even dating. But neither were they, yet.

My emotions and feelings are just too strong.

I had to protect and love her. Nobody else can have her. And I need to tell her.

Death Note~ Oddly Beautiful (L x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu