Death Note~ Oddly Beautiful (L x Reader)

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A/N so this is sorta my own version of the kira case ^_^ this will contain spoilers so you were warned! This may also be quite long because I love a good intro ,enjoy!
[Disclaimer: Death Note belongs to its original owners and I own nothing except my own storyline]
~ Charlie

Chapter 1

Y/N - Your Name

L/N - Last name

H/C - Hair colour

E/C - Eye Colour

F/C - Fave colour

The shrill ring of the break bell echos through our class and we all stood up to leave. I hastily exit the class and weave my way through the hallways to my usual spot. By ususal I mean I spend every break, free period and lunch there. I do have friends to hang out with, they're just not the best company for me. Nobody really is. I'm quite anti-social.

Pushing open the door to the abandoned library I catch my foot on some of the torn carpet, and fall over. The door swings closed behind me so no one saw my fall. I breath a sigh of relief getting up and sit crouched with my feet up on one of the plastic chairs with my books. Break is 15 minutes long which seems very short for most students but in that time I can catch up on all of my homework, read my book and eat a snack. Considering my usual snack is cake I brought from home, I can eat it in seconds. Anything sweet is my weakness. Most people obsess over cute boys, bands, or whatever is currently popular. Not me.

(And this has never effected my health as I have discovered you can burn calories by using your brain.)

After eating and finishing my homework I vaguely hear someone calling my name. "Y/N?!? Y/N?!? WHERE ARE YOU? I HAVE GOOD NEWS!"

Not wanting to give away my hiding spot I wait for whoever it is to pass. After they have left the area of the library door I gather up my belongings and head outside. Walking down the hallway my friend Connie spots me and runs up to me. Shes about the only decent person in this school, I should be nicer to her but being social is not my speciality. "Y/N, GURL IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU!" She half squeals half screams excitedly.

"Indeed with good news I presume?" I reply with a half smile. "Our form is getting a new student and hes super cute" she says almost clasping her hands in anticipation of my reply. Im mostly not interested in boys, especially new boys. I study too hard and too frequently to manage a boyfriend. Plus even at 16 and a half my parents are super protective.

"Y/N dont zone out on me! How about we go to class early and then Miss might allow us to lunch early!"This snaps me out of my thoughts. I frown, puzzled why we would want a longer lunch. 30 minutes of human interaction was awful. Why extend it? "Yknow for an honour student you dont catch on quickly! The new kid wont be in form room but he will be at lunch so that way we can get first dibbs on him although i've so strange i doubt he'll get many girls, mind you though he is......" Connie drones on  for so long we barely realise the bell has rung for next period. I realise now why I only class her as a decent friend.

*Mini Time Jump To Lunch*

After 2 hours of physics the bell rings,yet again, for our lunch.

Connie trys to catch my arm, obviously so we can go stalk the new student but I'm alot faster than I look so I sprint away to the the library. I know this place as well as my house so as soon I enter I feel a disturbance. I set my backpack down and listen carefully. A chomping noise comes from an alcove covered by a curtain. I suspect rats in an old building like this and although Im not particularly frigtened of them, the thought of them running across my feet makes me want to scream. I shiver at the thought. I hold my breath and slowly pull away the material but its the exact opposite of a rat. "AHHH!" I shout. Sat in the alcove is a boy Ive never seen before with a book in one hand and a piece of cake in the other. I notice his absence of shoes and that he is sat like I do before even questioning why hes sat here alone. He has wild inky hair with a slim build and huge grey eyes outlined with black lines, likely from lack of sleep. Hes oddly beautiful. "S-sorry" I stutter, slightly taken aback. "Its quite alright, I understand how it seems highly odd that I choose here to sit, alone at that but everywhere else has too many,well,people" he says through a mouthful of cake. "I understand, I actually come here every day, Im not a people person" I reply.

"Likewise", he swallows, "My names Ryuzaki, how about you?"

"Y/N L/N, I havent seen you around, I presume you are the new student, in which case its better to stay here". He nods knowingly. The silence is awkward until he stands up and sets his book down on a closeby shelf. "My apologies for intruding here, I'll go find some other empty space" He says taking a few step towards the door. "You can stay, I dont mind at all, I dont exactly own this room, although by the state of it, nobody would want to own it" I say causing him to chuckle. He sits back down on a chair opposite mine with a smile. "You know, we would make good friends" he says with a smirk. "Excellent observation Mr.Ryuzaki, although I tend not to make great company" I say smirking back. "I highly doubt that Miss.L/N, you seem quite the opposite".

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