Update Part 2!!!!

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(long story ahoy)

Its been a long time, a very long time. And oh boy oh boy do I feel terrible. I read fanfiction's myself often and I know how frustrating it can be to have to wait for an update. Especially when you have to wait over a year *cough* thats me *cough*. I firstly wanna say sorry, this story meant to much to me when I first began writing and was the first ever fanfic I ever wrote as well as being about Death Note which was the first anime I ever watched. I've changed a lot since I started this story and I'm not sure how to continue it. However as my form of apology for the wait I will attempt to continue it but I'm not sure for how many chapters as I never really had a plan for how long I was gonna make this book or how it would end. But you guys deserve closure to it so over the next few days (maybe a week) I'll be updating!!!!! Finally!!!!! Now time for some excuses... I promise you I wasn't just being lazy by not updating. First of all I got diagnosed with a rare form of IBD (stomach and digestion problems)and had to go to hospital for surgery, then I recovered and I was totally fine but by the time this was all done and I was feeling better I started my GCSE's which if you're not from the UK it's basically a set of exams that are really important and determine the rest of your life like for College, Uni, jobs etc. BUT NOW IM DONE WITH THEM AND IM SO RELIEVED! My attendance in school during the preparation for these exams was 48% (due to personal reasons) which is really bad but despite all this I took my exams and I got a bunch of A's, two A*'s and passed everything!!!!! So now life's pretty much back to normal, I can finish this! Its bothered me for months that I left you guys hanging, especially as some of you have been so loyal and been here for literally years. SO. Just wait a few days while I work on the chapters as I don't wanna rush and I really wanna make the wait worth it! 

all thats left to say is: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

I could have never imagined this fanfic would get soooo many reads and likes, its been amazing and the love I've received for it has been incredible <3 Writing is my passion and its insane that so many people enjoyed what I did, like some of these chapters were so bad and I literally wrote them on the bus, train, while walking etc. But never the less... THANK YOU, I LOVE YOUUUUU

If you guys ever need anything, one shots, covers, whatever, HIT ME UPPPPP! Or better yet follow me on twitter (my Ariana Grande fan acc) as I use it all the time and I love chatting in DMs: @peachteabutera .

So for now, goodbye, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, FINALLY!


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