Chapter 9

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A/N Hallo! I'm sorry for any confusion last chapter, I wanted to create some drama xD But don't worry, all shall be revealed! ^_^ Anyway special thanks to AngelikaJustine for voting so much! (I might start giving shoutouts to people maybe idk) This is sad chapter so get your tissues ready and ENJOY!


Matsuda POV

She leaned in towards me.

Wait? Does this mean she likes me back? Are we going to kiss? I thought, my heart thudded.

She pulled away and gave a cute smile.

"I know how you feel! I'd love to be best friends with you too!" She said, looking super adorable.

My heart sunk. Rejected again.

"Ahaha yeah thats totally what I meant" I said, attempting to cover my sadness.

"We should hang out some more Matsu!" She said taking my hand and looking out of the window onto the dark streets.

I nodded.

"Huh? Hang on it that L?" She said standing up to look out of the large window.

"I think it is...maybe you should go talk to him, he seemed annoyed that we were going out earlier" I replied.

"B-but that means he just saw everything, I have to explain" She stuttered, getting up to walk out.



I got pretty bored of waiting for Y/N to get back so I decided to take a walk.

As I was walking down the road I saw Y/N and Matsuda on the other side of the street inside a cafe window.

She was leaning forward to kiss him. He was staring into her crystal [insert eye colour] eyes.

I felt my stomach flip over and my fists clench.

Y/N had seen me and looked up out of the window.

Her face was horrified.

I stormed across the road, prepared to take her back and confess my feelings finally. Maybe she truly had an explanation, or maybe she really didn't have feelings for me.

In my anger I hadn't looked on the road for cars. I felt an immense pain in my side as I fell flat to the ground. The last thing I saw was car headlights and Y/Ns face, a blank mask of terror, then I blacked out into a vortex of velvety darkness.



I had just crossed the threshold of the cafe, getting ready to explain to Ryu what had happened, how it wasn't what it looked like and how I loved him.

But then I saw him falling sideways on the path of a car. I ran as fast as humanly possible towards him to grab him in my arms.

"R-ryu?.." I whispered. His icy blue eyes fluttered shut. "NO. NO STAY WITH ME" I practically screamed.

Matsuda ran up behind me " SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE PLEASE" He called.

A young man came jogging towards us, I noted that he had golden brown hair and was wearing the same college blazer that I wore. He began punching numbers on his phone and I heard him giving the details to the people on the other end. I couldn't concentrate on anything except Ryu's pale face. He looked dead. 'NO  HE'S NOT DEAD HE CAN'T BE' I thought, tears streaming. I fumbled to feel his pulse. It was weak but still there. He looked dead but he wasn't, I needed to calm down. The man put a hand on my shoulder "I've called an ambulance but I'll stay here with you to make sure everything is okay" he said. I made a mental note to thank him.

I heard sirens blaring and saw flashing lights through my teary eyes.

I saw Ryu being carried away into an ambulance.

They allowed me to be with him until we got there. He was rushed away and I was led into a waiting area where I sat on a plastic chair with the man from earlier.

'Please dear God let him be okay, I'll do anything if you just make him be okay' I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted by the man next to me.

"I'm really sorry about your friend, but I'm sure the doctors will be able to help him".

I nodded. "Thanks for calling the ambulance earlier" I said hoarsely.

"No problem, my names Light Yagami, whats your full name?" He asked, smiling


A/N dun dun dun! thanks for reading!

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