Chapter 17

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A/N Hello! I dont have much to say except BIIIIIG THANK YOU TO: axiorisi !!!! They made the new cover for this story and it looks amazing! <3 Thank you again!

Sorry this was late!

Y/N Pov

The next morning was blissful until I recalled what had happened yesterday. I sat bolt up in the bed, my heart racing, until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"You're okay I'm here" Lawliet said, leaning into the crook of my neck.

We sat like this for a few minutes until

I heard a nurses shoes clopping along the ward. I hopped out of bed into the plastic chair beside the hospital bed.

A stern faced nurse suddenly appeared at the foot of the bed.

"Goodmorning, I have some tests results back Sir and its good news" she said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew he would be okay but that heavy weight of fear in my stomach lightened a little.

"As you know we took bloods and xrays yesterday, while your" She glanced towards me. "Friend?.."

"Shes my girlfriend". Lawliet said.

"Ah yes, we took these tests while she was absent from this room. You're badly bruised but nothing is broken. You had a mild concussion and sprained ankle but those are both healing nicely. You are free to leave as soon as you like".

I looked up at L with the biggest grin.

He practically suffocated me in a hug.

As scared as I was to leave the hospital and be vunerable to Light, I knew how happy L would be to start working on the case again and be together private again.

We began gathering up his belongings as there weren't many. He had 2 long sleeve white shirts, blue jeans, black jeans and pajamas.

Being dressed in ordinary clothes again he looked adorable. I was really falling for him and knowing he felt the same made me the happiest person alive.


Light POV

I paced from the walls of my room.

Yesterday was a disaster.

I was prepared to get her to fall for me and work on my side. Then I would use her as an object in my plan until I became God of the new world. Then dispose of her.

But instead she laughed it off. Either I really looked stupid enough to be pulling a prank, or she's incredibly smart. L's supposed to be the smart one. If they both share the same levels of intelligence I'm done for. 2 against 1 means I'll be found out for sure. Luckily L is in the hospital so I have until then to plan my killings, and kill the entire SPK.


L pov

It took us a while to get back to the hotel. On the drive I called all members of the SPK and told them to meet at HQ tomorrow and bring any work they had independently done.

It was nice to be back and out of the bleak hospital, and of course to be with Y/N. I'm really falling for her and I honestly can't express enough my love for her.



Inside the hotel we cuddled for a while on the sofa after the long journey. I could tell L was deep in thought.

"Whats up Ryu?" I asked with a smirk.

"You're anxious" He said blatantly.

"Just a little bit. Its just Light. I'm so scared he'll track us down or something" I answered.

He sat up, thinking intently then said;

"Look I know you won't like this, but trust me its for the best. He still believes I'm in hospital right? So you should call him and somehow arrange to meetup alone. Then you can wear a microphone and we'll have the SPK and police nearby. If he really is Kira we will soon know. This could save lives if he is caught. Everyday he kills more people".

It was probably the best plan we had. But I was too terrified to even call him. Let alone meet up with him.

"I'll think about it". I replied turning away from him to go stand near the window. A little angry that he knew how scared I was but still wanted to go through with the plan.

He stood up too and snaked his arm around my waist.

"I don't want to do this as much as you. There will be no danger I promise. I love you more than anything. But this will help us both. The case will be solved and you can feel safe again". He said.

"Fine" I said sitting back down, "But on 2 conditions. Number one, you will wait outside where ever me and Light meet and wear a headset to listen to our conversations. I cant trust anyone else".

He nods and chuckles."I'd do that anyway. Whats number 2?"

"We can go buy sweets. Now." I say with a smile.

"Lets go" He says grabbing my hand.

"But I have a condition of my own" He says.

"Okay?" I reply

He looks shyly at the floor.

"After all this is over. We move away from here. And get married".


A/N So what if they are still in University? XDD They can get married in anime world!

Thanks for reading!

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