Chapter 13

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A/N Hallo guys! Sorry for my absence I was ill ;-; This chapter is gonna be a bit special because I'm going to include an OC called Em (DeathNoteEm) who is an amazing reader of my story. I wanted to do some special stuff as a thanks for over 1k reads and almost 100 votes! Anything else I can do please comment! Enjoy!


Your POV

I awoke to the beeping of the hospital. For one moment I thought everything was okay but then I remembered where I was. Even though it wasn't me who was injured, seeing him to battered and brusied made my heart fill with pain. I lifted his arm off me so I could get up. I'd stay cuddling all day but the thought of a Nurse walking in made me feel awkward enough to move.

I sat down once again in a plastic chair and watched him sleep. Usually sleeping is peaceful but his injuries made him look in pain. It hit me that I never found out the cause of his tears. I wanted to wake him and ask but he needed his rest. His messy raven locks flopped over his face, making him look like a child. It took all my will power not to stroke his head. He's just so adorable.

Despite the nature of the case I was actually looking forward to getting back to work on it. At that moment my phone beeped with a text from Light.

"Hey hows L? Wanna meetup sometime? x"

"He's stable. Sure. x"

I laughed because I was really not the type of person to put a kiss at the end of a text but I felt awkward not to return it.

I tucked my phone away as a nurse walked in. "We feel he is stable enough to be moved out of the ICU and into a regular ward. He's making a swift recovery and needs watch on a ward. Please follow me." The nurse said, pulling at L's hospital bed to move it out the door.

Despite the movement and noise of the Lift he didn't stir.

We were moved onto a new fresh, bright, blue themed ward.

I paced down the rows of beds towards L's when I saw a familuar face. "Em? Oh my god is that you? I haven't seen you in so long!" I exclaimed. My eyes well with tears, I haven't seen her since just after Nursery school but I'd know her anywhere.

"Y/N? Oh my gosh yes its me!" She said back.

I ran over to her for a hug.

Its been so long since I've had a friend.

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