Chapter 21

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A/N YOOO WASSUP! :D I'm on summer vacation sooo that means I have 7 whole weeks free of school YAY! Hope you enjoy!
P.s I'm working on that Loki fic ;)


The impact beneath me was searing hot pain. I was pretty sure I was dead but pain like this indicated I was alive. But it was near impossible that I could survive falling 3 floors.

I attempted to move my hand but I couldn't feel if it was even there. My vision was pure darkness so I couldn't be sure I even had hands anymore.

I felt some sort of movement that I wasn't in control of, as if someone had picked up mu body and groaned as a shooting pain flickered through my torso.

I was definitely dead. And being taken to the morgue. No pain like this could belong on earth. I wanted so badly to just die or at least pass out but with no such luck I drifted into an excruciating, dreamless sleep.


Matt POV

It took us less than 5 minutes to reach the hotel. We arrived to a crime scene.

There were abulances and police cars everywhere. With at least 10 news reporters harassing eye witnesses.

Mello turned to me. "Do you think that...." He trailed off.

L was silent. I wrapped one arm around him, he looked deathly pale, like he could collapse.

"Mello keep hold of him, I'll go check it out". I said stepping closer to the police tape. Behind it was a car with a crushed roof. The indent was in the perfect shape of a persons body. I looked up at the towering hotel to see smoke billowing from the third floor.

"W-what the hell happened here?" I asked a police officer.

He scratched his neck and frowned.

"Pretty weird actually. A young girl jumped from the third floor and landed on this car. Seems she was escaping from a man checked in on the 3rd floor. Who ever it was, set the room on fire then broke the door down and fled South in a stolen taxi. By the time the Abulance got here the girl was gone. God knows who took her. Do you know who it could have been?" He asked.

"Y-yeah I do actually. F/N L/N, she was staying here with a pretty abusive friend. We actually came here to see if she could be staying here". I stuttered.

"Thanks son". He replied, picking up his walkie talkie and repeating what I told him.

So Lights gone, thats good. But so it Y/N.

I head back over to Mello and L and explain what the police officer told me.

"So shes disappeared again? But not with Light?" Mello shouted.

I nod.

L sobs quietly.

"Don't panic okay. At least shes not with Light. Maybe her friend or a family member took her?" I assured him although I knew I was lying. He seemed to collapse against Mello's chest in despair.

"Okay this is depressing. I'll take him back while you stay here kay?" Mello said. I nodded and headed back over to the crimw scene. I scanned the area for reporters, figuring that I could gather some information from them or the eyewitnesses they were interrogating.

I headed over to a young woman with waist length blonde hair, talking eagerly to a journalist. I waited until she was done talking then touched her shoulder.

"Excuse me, Miss? I was wondering if you knew anything about what happened here? I'm an undercover detective and its essential we gather as much information from eyewitnesses as possible" I explained.

She nodded.

"Ah yes. Well actually that crushed car over there is mine. I parked up here while I went to speak with the hotel manager about some reservations I made for a wedding, I'm a wedding planner, and when I stepped outside I could hear alot of shouting from the third floor. Then CRASH!" She made movements with her hands. "A girl just flung her self from the balcony onto my car. She did not look good. She was either unconcious or dead. I turned my back for like 2 minutes while I called an ambulance. When I turned around there was a strange man carrying her away! How strange!". She exclaimed.

I nodded and took out my small notebook. "Thank you, thats very helpful. Do you have any idea of what the man looked like?" I asked.

"I only saw a little of him before he sprinted away and then the police arrived. He had messy black hair, a white shirt and baggy jeans. He also looked really tired. He looked a similar age to the girl. Maybe they knew each other?" She said.

I scribbled down what she told me hastily.

"Interesting. But thank you m'am. I have to leave now" I said walking back to the hotel slowly.

So now Y/N was not only in danger of Light but also some other mysterious person.

The description sounded just like L, but it couldn't be.

Who the hell could it be?



I awoke groggily, my entire body aching from head to toe. I was aware of the cold concrete floor below me but I was in too much pain to shiver. At least I was alive,for now. I attempted to push myself up into a sitting position with little success. I hear my joints crack. I groan loudly.

"You're awake, excellent!" I hear a voice say.

My head hurts so bad my vision is blurred but I manage to squint at my surroundings. The walls, floor and ceiling are concrete aside from the steel door which is patterned with several large locks and dead bolts.

I attempt again to sit upright and manage to sort of slump against the wall so that I can see better.

The source of the voice is from a man stood a few feet away from me.

He has black messy hair, rings around his eyes from insomnia, lanky arms and legs and wears a baggy white shirt and jeans.

"R-ryu?" I stutter desperately.

"Not quite" He replies, crouching to my level.

I frown and peer into his eyes, instead of icy blue-grey ones, they are piercingly blood red.

My scream ricochets around the concrete cell....

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