Chapter Nineteen-Secrets

472 38 12

6th February 2015

I stroll through the YogTowers corridor, making my way towards the recording studio to collect Sparkles*. I was going to wait outside the building, but it's dark and cold and I had already been stood there for fifteen minutes. I wonder what's taking him so long.

I reach the office door and am about to pull down the handle, but stop when I hear Sparkles* and Martyn talking inside.

"I don't know man, I really like her," Sparks* sighs. Oh my gosh, he has a crush on someone! Lucky girl. I'm not going to lie, I do feel a bit jealous. Maybe I'm just not used to the idea of Sparkles* having a girlfriend, when we were younger he just wasn't that bothered by girls and didn't really care about being in a relationship. Times change.

"Then ask her on a date!"

"Yeah, like she'd ever say yes." Who is this girl? I need to find out. I can't think of a reason to say no to him.

"You'll never know until you ask." Martyn seems pretty determined for Sparkles* to ask this girl out. He better tell me who it is later.

"But it's my best mate's sister, Leo will flip if he knows I like her!" Wait, Leo's sister?!

Oh. Okay. This is just...WHAT?!

I must have gasped or something, because both Martyn and Sparkles* spin round to face the door. "Did you hear someone?" Sparkles* gets up and walks towards the door. I dash to the end of the corridor and act as if I had just arrived in the building, pulling out my phone and pretending to text someone. He looks both ways down the corridor and stops to stare at me.

"Oh hey Sparks*! You looking for someone?" I ask casually, leaning against the wall next to him. He raises his eyebrows, obviously questioning why I was the only one here after they had seen a person eavesdropping. Luckily, he lets it slide.

"Oh, just talking to Martyn. Song ideas," he explains.

"What kind of ideas?"

"Well...there's nothing certain yet..." sometimes I do wonder where this boy learnt his lying skills. He's pretty shit.

"Cool. Are we going to go get coffee, or are you staying late?" Judging by his expression, Sparkles* must have forgotten about us going to get coffee.

"I'll be one sec, just need to go get some stuff," he says as he retreats back into the studio for a bit. He returns with a grey backpack slung over his right shoulder. "Right, lets get going!"

We walk to a nearby Costa together, chatting casually and Sparkles* making awful jokes that really shouldn't be funny. But the entire time, the same thought is circling in my head.

Sparkles* likes me.

Woop woop! #Grackles? #Sparkace*?


Update on the real life shipping thing, those two are officially a couple now!!! I started squeaking when she told me...


Dear Leo (An Area 11 FanFiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora