Chapter Eleven-Bad Hair Day

546 47 8

17th January 2015

"So did you sleep well last night?" I ask Leo, casually flipping a pancake and catching it back in the pan effortlessly.

"Yeah, I guess. Better than it has been," Leo takes a gulp of coffee. "What about you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answer as I slide another pancake on top of the stack I've already made. I carry them over to the table and put them down next to a couple of plates, sugar, a lemon, golden syrup and some whipped cream. It's been ages since I made pancakes, I've missed them so much. Pancakes are a random thing to miss. "Any plans for today?"

"I'm going to meet the guys at the recording studio and write a couple of bits. You?"

"I've got work. After that I'm going to pick up some food and probably pass out on the sofa," I mumble through a mouthful of pancake. Leo raises an eyebrow.

"Speaking with your mouth full? What are you, five?"

"My body is not, my mind is," I smirk, once again with food in my mouth. Leo rolls his eyes.

"Don't you need to get ready for work soon? It's twenty five past nine." He's grinning.

"Shit, I need to go soon!" I run into my room and hastily pack my bag. I brush my teeth and take my phone off charge.
"See you later Leo!" I call as I shut the front door behind me.

I arrive at work only just on time, my hair messed up and tangled from the wind. Stupid weather.

"Nice hair," Alex smirks. I pull out my phone and use the camera as a mirror.

"Piss off," I mutter, sorting out my hair. "I bet yours looked awful when you got here!"

"Of course it didn't! My hair is always fabulous!" He does a "Justin Bieber hair flip" and sits down on a chair behind the counter.

"Dude, mine's blue, I win."

"Yeah, but it also looks like a birds
nest. "

"Again, piss off."

The shop's a lot busier than it was on my first day, quite a few people came in asking about recorders, ukuleles and flutes. It must be that time of year when parents decide that their kids want to learn an instrument, which ends up being a waste of money because the child doesn't actually want lessons. At least me and Alex are kept busy for the day.

One girl was repeatedly trying to flirt with Alex, which was the best thing I think I've ever seen. She was fluttering her eyelashes and pouting and playing with her hair constantly. She was in here for about half an hour, not even buying anything in the end.

"So how about we go get coffee sometime?" She had attempted a sort of puppy dog eye look, but ended up pulling a really strange face.

"Um...I have a girlfriend...."

Yeah, she left the shop a minute later. If I'd asked her what a chord was, she probably would have stared at me with a completely blank expression.

"Lucky escape," I say, stifling my laughter.

"Oh my god, Laura would have thought that was so funny!" Laura is Alex's girlfriend. I haven't met her, but she sounds like a nice person. "She just wouldn't leave me alone!"

It's been just one of those days where nothing big happens, and you can stop and take things slow for a while. They're busy, but it's nice and there's still time to have time to relax after life being so hectic for the past few weeks.

100 votes?! You crazy peoples! And by chapter eleven. Get it, because Area 11?... Ok I'll leave...

I had a test every day this week at school. Thank god for weekends.


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