Chapter Thirty Eight-One Shot

470 37 5

30th March 2015

There will be a bit of violence in this chapter, just in case you need to know!

I groan lifting my neck up and brushing my hair from my eyes. I can hear the low rumble of an engine, so I think I'm in a car, but it's really dark so I can't tell much else. My head is killing me, but when I try to shift into a more comfortable position, my left hand won't move. I glance down and see glints of silver shining back when we pass a streetlight. Handcuffs link my wrist to a car door, I think I'm in the back seat.

"Good morning! You really did take your time coming around, didn't you!" Ethan's voice calls back to me from the drivers seat. "It was quite a nasty bump, but you're fine. You fell asleep hours ago, said you were really tired. How's your head?"

"Hurts," I mumble, looking up at the glowing clock at the front of the car. 1:30 am. I really was out for a while. "Piss off." He laughs.

"Why would I do that just when we're starting our life together?" Ethan's silhouetted hand runs through his hair and then rests on the steering wheel. "We're nearly there, by the way. Half an hour or so."

"I don't want to go," I state. He sighs at me and answers irritatedly.

"Sure you do, you're just tired. Don't you remember how much fun we used to have? I miss that, and I know you do too, so why can't you just accept this?"

"Because it's not true. You beat me, abused me, scarred me! I stopped caring for you the day you first hit me!" I'm yelling at him now, and I can tell by the tapping of his fingers he's getting pissed. I don't care, he's truly lost it and I'm sick of him. "I hate everything about you, why can't you accept that?!"
There's a moment of silence before the car swerved slightly and pulls to a stop by the side of the road. Outside the window I can see the black shadows of trees stretching up towards a black sky, the shapes of a few black cars zipping past every now and again.

Ethan opens his door and walks round to mine. He opens it, and because of the handcuffs I have to get out of the car. "Don't try running," he says, and unlocks the cuff attached to the door.

Guess what I do.

Behind me, I hear a click, and Ethan growls. "What did I just fucking say?" He points a gun in my direction and motions for me to go back to him. Reluctantly, I do what he wants and he cuffs his wrist to mine. Fan-fucking-tastic. I'm handcuffed to the guy who made my life a living hell and he's gone mad. And he has a gun. I am SO screwed.

"Now, we're going for a quick walk. Maybe it'll knock some sense into you." He drags me along by the wrist, keeping the gun in one hand and me in the other. Who in their right mind would trust this guy with a gun?

We wind our way between the trees, and I stumble occasionally on roots that are completely hidden in the darkness. Ethan doesn't try to help, he just continues pulling me along until we reach a small clearing in the trees. Man, he really likes this sort of place.

"So...what are we doing here?" I ask nervously.

"We're staying here until you can finally get it in your head that we were meant to be," he says. That is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. I roll my eyes and start to speak, but then I remember the gun and shut up. As much as Ethan claims to love me, I have no doubt he'll use that thing if he wants to. "Hopefully it won't take you too long." We stand in silence for a few minutes.

"I need to pee," I announce.

"Pee then," Ethan answers.

"I'm not peeing with you watching!"

"I'll turn around then!"

"But you're still here!"

"Goddamnit, I am not leaving you alone! You either pee or you don't pee, just make your mind up!" He yells at me.

"...I don't need to pee anymore."

After another few awkward minutes of silence, Ethan speaks up. "Have you come to your senses yet?"

"No, I haven't," I sigh. "And you can't make me!"

"Stop being such a stubborn brat! Just say you love me and we can be happy!" He yells.

"Get the fuck away from her." Someone steps towards us from the road, calling out.


"Sorry man, but our hands are tied. Literally." Ethan raises our cuffed hands, giggling a little at his own joke. "So I suggest you get out of here, we're busy." Sparkles* takes another step forward, but freezes as I see Ethan's other hand move to point the gun towards me. "Don't move or she's dead."

"Don't touch her," Sparkles* says slowly. Ethan wouldn't shoot me, would he? After all his talk about loving me and all that, he wouldn't just turn a gun on me for the sake of not getting caught?

"What, you'd rather I pointed this thing at you?" Ethan lowers the gun slightly, ready to turn it on Sparkles*, and I punch him as hard as I can. Right in the face.


Both of us fall over, and someone's screaming. I think it's me. My head hits the ground with a thud, and I bite my lip to try and stop myself from crying. "Grace!" Sparkles* crouches next to me. "Shit, everything's going to be fine. Just keep looking at me, 'Kay?" He pulls a phone from his pocket and dials a number. "Hey, we need an ambulance."

"Sparkles*, why does my leg hurt?" I whimper, moving a hand down to my calf. My hand feels warm and it comes away stained a dark red colour. "My head already hurt, but why does my leg hurt as well?"

"Honey, you got shot. But it's going to be alright, an ambulance is on the way." He responds as calmly as possible. I try to sit up, but fall back again. Ethan is like a dead weight on my arm, as far as I can tell he's out cold. I must have hit him harder than I thought. Sparks* pulls me onto his lap to keep my head off the floor.

"I'm really tired," I mumble.

"Try to stay awake. Keep your eyes on me, ok?" I look up into his blue eyes, and he looks like he's trying to hold back tears. He starts talking into the phone again. "Yeah, there's a lot of blood...She's still conscious, he isn't."

"Sparkles*...Sparkles* can you...sing?" I ask. "Please? Just for a bit?"

"Sure," he smiles. "as long as you promise to try and stay awake."


"There's three parts to love, or so I believe. There's a part of you you lose, and another you receive. Here I break with the concept, though it's central to the piece. Leave my mark on the canvas that only you can see." I concentrate on just his eyes and his voice, trying to forget about the pain in my leg and stay awake, even though I'm really sleepy.

"I deferred my happiness for loneliness and time. But once I'm where I want to be, you'll be far behind," I sing back, smiling weakly up at him.

"All the lights in the sky are falling to the ground. And the chains that pull me down slacken off when you're around. As the line begins to blur it's comforting to know, but I'll rip out all the hooks from my skin so I can grow." Sirens start sounding nearby, and I can see flashes of red and blue illuminating the trees towering above us. My eyelids flutter, and I close them. It's really hard to focus on Sparkles* now. There are loads of voices, and people are moving me away from him. I want to reach out for him, but I'm exhausted.

"Yeah I'll rip out all the love from my skin so I can grow..."

Dear Leo (An Area 11 FanFiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt