Chapter Twenty Two-Birthdaytines/Valenday?

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14th February 2015

"Happy Valentines Day Leo!" I yell, jumping on top of him and waking him up. He groans and pushes me off of him and onto the floor.

"Leavemlone," he grumbles, rolling over so he isn't facing me. Or at least, the space above me because his mattress for some reason is ridiculously tall. "Valentine's Day is not important..."

"Oh but it's the most important thing about today!" I exclaim. "The chocolates, the roses, the romance! You couldn't possibly have time to think about anything else!" I peek over the top of the mattress to see Leo giving me an extremely tired death glare.

"You do this every fecking year, Grace, it's getting old."

"Yep, it's old, just like you. Happy birthday, idiot!" I stand up and leave, returning a minute later with a small pile of presents. "Ta da!"

"Really?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, really." I think he's referring to the fabulous disney princess wrapping paper I picked out especially for this occasion. I dump the gifts in his lap and sit on the end of the bed. "Do you want them now?"

"Well, I don't seem to get a choice," Leo laughs and reaches for the first of five presents.

It takes half an hour to open the presents, I have no idea how it took so long. In the end we're half buried in a mountain of pink wrapping paper and ribbon. I'd bought Leo a new t shirt, a huge box of chocolates (big enough for him to share), the new Majora's Mask game, some manga and two tickets to go see Big Hero Six for tomorrow.

"These are awesome, thanks Grace!" Leo grins and we hug, awkwardly leaning over the presents. "But you could have let me have a lie in. What time is it?"

"...Six thirty..."

~Three o clock~

"Greetings my fellow lonely people, do come in!" Sparkles* opens the door and waves Leo and I in, ready for what we are calling "national eat ice cream/Leo's birthday day". The living room is fairly small, but has a large sofa and coffee table in. The table is covered in packets of biscuits, chocolate, ice cream and some Pepsi. "And happy birthday man!" Sparkles* passes Leo a present. It's a bunch of CDs, most of which I don't recognise the name of. "I thought I should educate you on some good music!"

I sit on the sofa, next to Sparkles* and with Leo on the other end. "Let's watch Howls Moving Castle!" I grin.

Two and a half films later, Leo is snoring. I don't think he enjoyed being woke up at six in the morning. My eyelids keep drooping, but I'm determined to make it to the end of My Neighbour Totoro. By the looks of it, Sparkles* is struggling to stay awake too. I let my head drop onto his shoulder and close my eyes. He shifts slightly and puts his arm around me, causing a small smile creep into my face. I sigh and curl up next to him.

"Grace?" He whispers, being careful not to wake Leo up.

"Mm?" I mumble sleepily.

"I love you." I'm so tired my brain is struggling to process what he just said. I'll think about it when I wake up...

"...I love you too Sparks*."

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Who is sitting alone eating fudge? *raises hand*.

I'm going to FINALLY see Big Hero Six tomorrow for my birthday! I've been told I'm going to cry. It's a DISNEY film based on a MARVEL comic with FALL OUT BOY music, so I'm probably going to cry from sheer happiness anyway. I'm also being forced to stay through the credits so we can see Dan and Phils names.


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