Chapter Twenty Five-First Date

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20th February 2015

Sparkles*-Hey meet me at coffee shop in 15 mins

Grace-K. Any reason?

Sparkles*-I'm your boyfriend now I'm supposed to take you on dates right?

Grace-If it's a date I take it you're paying :) xx

Sparkles*-Crap. See you soon xx

I plug in my earphones as I leave the flat, pressing shuffle. My cold's almost completely gone, thank goodness, but Alex said it was cool for me to have one more day off so I'm 100% better.

"In the car I just can't wait, to pick you up on our very first date."

Technically this is mine and Sparkles*' first date. We've met up for coffee before, but not since we officially decided to go out.

"Is it cool if I hold your hand? Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?"

Will it be different to when we used to hang out? Probably, I don't have to pretend I only like him as a friend anymore. But does it mean we're going to sit there non stop cuddling and kissing? I doubt it. We might have known each other for years, but we only decided to start going out about a week ago. I don't think we're at the level of constant snogging yet. It's weird when couples do that anyway, it's like they're trying to show off about having a relationship.

"Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over. Honest, lets make this night last forever."

I turn the corner and walk into the coffee shop just as the song finishes.

"Forever, and ever, let's make this last forever."

"Hey!" I greet Sparkles* with a quick hug. He smiles and says hi back.

"What do you want?" He gestures to the boards behind the counter showing the various drinks and food available to order.

"Can I have a cappuccino?" I ask him.

"Sure," he grins, ordering our drinks and hands over a ten pound note. "I'll get the drinks, you go on up."

"Oh my gosh, and that time Kogie hit you in the face when we were making pancakes!" I giggle, putting my coffee down so I don't spill it. Sparkles* glares at me.

"It wasn't that funny..."

"You had a frying pan shaped burn on your face for weeks!" I'm actually crying with laughter at the memory.

"It really wasn't funny when we went back to school. I looked like an idiot!" You can see the embarrassment as he cringes at the thought. "Everyone laughed and Kogie wouldn't stop apologising!"

"I still think it was funny."

One hour later, both of us are sat on the floor holding empty coffee cups. Sparkles* suddenly gets up and puts a CD in the player. I don't recognise it, but it's a slow song, with an acoustic guitar and someone singing softly.He holds out his hand for me. "May I have this dance?" I laugh and take his hand, pulling myself to my feet.

"A bit cheesy, but yes, you may." He wraps his other arm around my waist and we start to whirl around the room. He spins me in circles and I follow his lead, gracefully moviing in time to the music. "I didn't know you could dance!"

"I had a lot of free time these past few years. I had to do something to keep myself entertained!" We slow down a little and stand on the spot, swaying in synchronisation. "And it seems it was a good choice."

"It was." He pulls me a tiny bit closer.

"You're a beautiful dancer," Sparkles* says quietly, making me blush. "And a beautiful not-dancer. I mean, you're beautiful when you're not dancing as well.. you're beautiful." I smile and look up at him. Our eyes lock and he leans down towards me.

"Likewise," I murmur, before our lips touch and we kiss for the first time. I'd never thought that this would happen as a kid, but right now this feels like the most amazing thing that could possibly have happened. It's like the entire afternoon has built up to this one moment, like I almost knew it would happen, but at the same time it was so unexpected. One of those things where you don't know how badly you want it until you have it. We both pull away and continue staring at each other. "Sparkles*, I think I really am falling for you." I breathe. But I think that's a lie. I think I fell a long time ago, I just didn't realise how hard until now.

Forever, and ever, let's make this last forever.

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