Chapter Thirty Seven-Police

387 40 4

29th March 2015

Sparkles* POV

I walk into the police station, and carefully run through what to say in my head. I don't want to mess up, for all I know Leo could be badly hurt by now and Grace is in danger too. I just have to hope she does what I asked and stays home.

"Hello, I need to report a kidnapping," I say to the policeman behind the desk. He looks at me sceptically, before calling someone else over to talk to me.

"Name?" The woman asks.

"Thomas Clarke."

"Could you please explain what has happened."

"My girlfriend, Grace Taylor, was in an abusive relationship, and the boyfriend eventually was arrested. She moved away and lives with her brother, Leo Taylor. Recently they have been receiving notes through the door threatening to "take her home" and some generally strange comments on her appearance. He's spoken to her a few times and repeated these things in person. Last night, Grace and I were watching a movie. She fell asleep, had a nightmare, and ended up explaining all of this to me. I told her to go and get Leo, he knows more than I do, and go to the police. When she got to their flat, it was a mess and he wasn't there. There was a note on the side that said she should go to a fountain in the nearby park at 5, and that Leo was "keeping him company"."

"Ok," she says slowly, looking me straight in the eyes. "Mr Clarke, could you explain why Miss Taylor did not come to explain this?" They don't believe me. Of course this would fucking happen.

"She's scared that she won't be believed, and she gets nervous talking to people she doesn't know," I respond.

"You do know that wasting police time is a serious offence?"

"I'm not wasting your time!" I sigh. "My best friend is in danger, the girl I love is in danger, and they need help!"

"I'm sorry, there's no evidence to back up your claims. Mr Taylor is an adult who can go wherever he wants and, despite there being a past between your girlfriend and her ex, the entire story could be fabricated." I glare at her and open my mouth to speak, and she stares back at me with cold, unimpressed eyes. "I think it's time for you to leave."

I'm escorted out of the police station and the second I'm outside I curse and start to properly worry. The police really aren't going to help. I take my phone out of my pocket and call Grace. It rings for a few seconds before someone answers.

"Nice try ginger, but you're not catching me that easily!" And the call ends. A wave of panic washes over me. Shit. I shouldn't have left Grace alone, I'm such an idiot! I should have known she'd go after Leo. The note said to meet at the fountain, so I guess that's where I have to go.

I hope Grace doesn't do anything too stupid.

I have no clue if that's an accurate representation of a police station, but here, have another chapter!


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