Chapter Thirty Nine-Déjà Vu

404 39 6

31st March 2015




"Turn the alarm off..." I mumble, trying to feel for the source of the noise on my bedside table. But the table isn't there. I look around, and everything's some slightly different shade of white. Why the fudging bollocks am I in a hospital?

"You need to stop doing this, I don't like hospitals," Leo grins from next to my bed. I don't get it, Leo was...missing, right?

"What're you doing here?" I ask in shock, but smiling at the same time. "I thought you were missing or something!"

"I fought with Ethan and he forced me to this house, I think he broke in or something, but yeah, I'm not completely sure what happened to be honest. The police will get a proper explanation out of him, hopefully."

"But you're ok, right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

"What about Sparkles*?" I ask. I haven't seen him yet, and I don't remember much of what happened...

"Right here." Sparkles* comes through the door, grinning at me. One of his eyes is ringed with dark purple and black.

"Oh my gosh, you're not dead!" He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

"Dude, I don't want to see you kissing my sister!" Leo covers his eyes, and I snort with laughter.

"Holy shit, what happened to your eye?" I ask, lifting a hand to brush his hair out of the way of his face. He winces a little as my fingers touch the bruise.

"Ethan came around after they got you in the ambulance, and... well he wasn't too happy," he laughs. "He punched me before anyone could hold him back." Wait, I was in an ambulance? Oh right, I was.

"What happened to Ethan?"

"He's been arrested. Charges of abduction and grievous bodily harm, I think," Leo explains. "You'll have to talk to the police at some point, but we're pretty sure he's going back to prison for this, this time even longer."

I can't stop myself, I just burst into tears.

"He's gone. He's going. Thank god!" I sob into Sparks*' shirt. The boys both sigh.

"He's not going to bother you again." Leo says. "Best part is, you're going to be out of hospital for your birthday!"

"Wait, what day is it again?" I frown. "Last time I checked it was Sunday?"

"It's Tuesday. Your birthday's in four days." Leo smirks at my confusion. "It's the first birthday in a good few years I've been around for, so it's going to be a good one!" I groan.

"Don't make a big fuss. If there is a party, you know I'm not going even if it is for me?"

"Don't worry we know better than to try and make you socialise." I glare at Sparkles*, who smiles and messes up my hair. "I shall protect you from people, my darling. At least until you're walking again."

"Walking again?" I echo.

"The bullet caused some damage to your leg, so you're on crutches for a while," Leo tells me. This sounds weird, but I've always wanted to try walking with them. I guess I'm going to get good at it.

"I shall master the art of using crutches. I shall become one with the crutches."

Guys, we are nearing the end! Only a few more chapters and this is over!


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