Chapter Two-Hospital

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1st January 2015




"Leo, turn the alarm off," I grumble, rolling over. The monotonous beeping drones on, pulling me out of my sleep. "Leo-ow!" I gasp, my eyes shooting open in pain. I'm greeted by the sight of my big brother grinning at me.

"Happy new year, Grace."

"Is that all I get after four years and getting hit by a flipping car? Happy new year?!" I fake anger before carefully leaning towards Leo and hugging him, crying. I bury my face in his shoulder and he sits on my bed.

"I missed you so much," he gives me a smile, wiping away the tears on his cheeks.

"I missed you too," I sniffle into his shirt, wiping my own tears away with the fabric. Leo pulls away and looks at me in disgust.

"Ew, that's gross! And it was a clean shirt!" He protests, attempting to wipe some of my snot back on my arm.

"Nononono, that snot is yours now," I smirk and shuffle away from him. "Besides, you should treat your just-hit-by-a-car sister better than that, you butt!"

"You're the one who ran out in front of the car, don't try and make me feel guilty!"

"Yeah, only to see you!"

"Oh my gosh, I leave you alone with her for one second and come back to find you at each other's throats!" The ginger has entered the building.

"Well sorry for wanting to see my brother! And hey Sparkles*," I grin, and move forwards carefully to hug him. I've known him since he would go out and play football with Leo, and they took me with them. I think I was about eight then, so I've known him pretty much half my life. He's always been one of my closest friends.

"One - I've missed you. Two - You're an idiot," he says. "What were you thinking, running out in the road like that?!"

I laugh. "I just wanted to see my brother and his friends for the first time in four years!" I answer. "Speaking of them, where are Kogie and Parv anyway?"

"They've gone to get coffee. We've been here for a few hours, it's dark now," Leo explains, pointing out of the window at the dark sky.

"So, what happened?" I ask.

Leo sighs. "Well you got hit by a car, you know that. You hit your head, but the doctors said you'd be fine once you woke up. Other than that, you got out of it with only a few bruises!" He finishes cheerfully. Sparkles* raises an eyebrow. "Ok, your arm and legs are black and blue with them. And they said you were underweight and hadn't slept properly for a while. Apparently that's why you took a while to wake up. They're keeping you in until tomorrow." Both boys look at me questioningly, and I know what they're going to ask.

"Why are you in Bristol anyway?"

I shut my eyes and lie back down on my pillows. "Mum kicked me out." When I open my eyes again, Leo looks about ready to murder someone.


"Nearly a week ago, I think."

"Where have you been since then?" He asks worriedly.

"I got a train and some buses, then I asked people for directions. I've been in Bristol for a few days now." Leo looks kind of pale.

"I can't believe her," he mutters. "I cannot bloody believe her. If she saw you now, I bet she wouldn't even feel sorry." Leo grips his hands into fists. Now he really does look ready to kill someone. Most likely our mum.

"Leo, calm down," I say. "Everything's alright now. Plus, you get to see me again now! And live with me?"

"Ugh, why would anyone want to live with you? You smell!" He grins, pulling me into another hug. I hug him back, smiling. Finally, I can actually see him and talk to him again.

"Not as bad as you do!"

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