Chapter Nine-Second Visit

559 46 4

January 13th 2015

It's two in the morning, and I can't sleep. I'm not going to. If I do, I'll just have another nightmare, and I'll just get more scared.

It's been the same a few nights in a row now. Fall asleep, nightmare, wake up, sit in the dark. Leo doesn't know about them, I don't want him to worry. They've not been as bad as they have been before, but I think that's because I know Leo is here instead of mum. She never cared if I was upset, she was too absorbed in her own problems to bother with me.

I guess I should try and get back to sleep. Sleep will help the bruises get better and then I'll be in less pain...

~In The Morning~

"Hey Leo, do you reckon I could go to Yogtowers again today? Last time I didn't give a very good first impression, and I want to actually meet people."

"Go ask Sparkles*, if he's in today he can take you," he answers. "Just don't fall on your arse like last time!" He calls to me as I shut our door and knock on Sparkles*'.

"Hey Sparks*, you going to the office today?" He nods.

"I take it you want to come again?" He smiles.

"No, I needed to check in case I have to find you when your flat gets overrun by potatoes..."

"Hold on, potatoes what?"

All the way to Yogtowers, Sparkles* explains to me what I can do there.

"You'll stick with me for the day, I've got a bit of songwriting to do, but we've probably got a day just to talk to people and everything." We get in the lift and walk out to see Martyn.

"Hey guys! How are you?" He smiles.

"Good thanks. You remember Grace?"

"Yeah. You feeling alright today?" Martyn asks with concern in his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. As long as someone," I glare up at Sparkles*, "Doesn't make me fall on my butt again."

"Do you want to meet some of the guys then?" Sparkles* asks me, completely ignoring what I'd just said.

"No, I want to go sit in the corner and ignore everything and everyone that comes near me."

"That better be sarcasm, because you were the one that wanted to come here! Look, Lewis and Simon aren't busy, lets go talk to them." Sparkles* steers me towards a larger room with multiple desks, it must be where all the guys can just sit when they're not recording. Lewis walks over and starts chatting to us, Simon looks slightly concerned at me. I guess he heard about the first time I came here.

"So you're alright today?" He asks.

"Yep! Feeling so much better!" I cheerfully respond. "I decided to actually stick around and meet people today!" The four of us chat for a couple of minutes before Sparkles* takes me to the room where I remember falling asleep before.

"So, I need to get some work done. You can go anywhere on the Yogscast floors of the building, except rooms with recording lights on," Sparkles* says, already loading up his computer. "If you're bored, my DS is on the sofa, start a new game of Pokemon or something." He turns round on his swivel chair and puts on his headphones.

I walk down the corridor towards the kitchen, planning to make myself a cup of tea before playing some Pokemon. I search the cupboards until I find the mugs and take one out, then start boiling the kettle.

"Hey, you must be Grace!" A voice says behind me. I turn round to Kim smiling at me.

"That's me," I smile back. "Want a cup of tea?" She nods gratefully.

"One sugar thanks."

The two of us lean against the kitchen counter, chatting about games and random stuff. She's really nice to talk to, nothing like the girls I grew up having to listen to. She actually cares about things other than makeup and boys. It's nice.

"I need to get back to editing. See you later!" Kim leaves, still holding her mug. I take mine back to the recording room, where Sparkles* is completely absorbed in his work. I flip open his DS and load up Pokemon X.

Me and my Froakie will be champions!

Holy butts, so close to 500 reads! You guys are seriously awesome, thank you!! Have ALL the cookies *throws magical rainbow cookies at you*!


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