Chapter Thirty-Boyfriend

489 36 5

8th March 2015

"Why are you awake so flipping early?!" I groan at Leo, rubbing my eyes and stumbling into the kitchen, towards the sound of the kettle boiling. "It's six in the morning!"

"I couldn't sleep and wanted tea," He states. "I thought you'd be sleeping still."

"Nah, I couldn't sleep either. And make me some too." I drag myself over to the window and yawn. It's still dark, the Sun's not risen yet. I pull open the blind regardless, gazing out at the dark deserted street, empty with the exception of a few bleary eyed workers on their way to an early shift and the dull glow of street lights.

I flip onto the sofa and take the tea from Leo. "Work today?" He asks. I nod in response. "I'll go out and grab dinner later then." Our early morning conversations never last long. We're either too tired to talk or simply have nothing to talk about. Leo picks up the remote control, turning on some early morning cartoons. For a few minutes our eyes are fixated on the screen, both silently rooting for Ash to win this next battle. When he finally does, I turn to Leo and take a breath.

"Hey, you know when I was eight and I told you I had a boyfriend, you said you'd beat him up if he came near me?" The corner of his mouth twitches up in a small smile.

"Yep. He didn't go near you for a week after."

"Does that rule still apply now? Like, if I had a boyfriend would you let him come within a mile of me?" I laugh nervously.

"It depends. If he's even remotely like Ethan, his arse is getting kicked before he even knows your name." I tap my fingers on my leg, trying to make myself calm down. "Why, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Um...does the rule apply if said boy is the ginger sleeping in the flat across the hall, probably unaware that either of us is awake?"

"Sparkles*!" Leo yells, marching into his flat after finding his spare key.

"Leo!" I run up behind him. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Talking to my friend about why I wasn't told he liked you and you liked him!" Sparkles* opens his bedroom door, looking confused by the sudden shouting and two people in his home.

"Diyoutellim?" He yawns, waiting for an answer from me.

"What do you think?"

"Dude, my sister?" Leo glares at him. "Of all the things I need to know, you miss out that?! How long?"

"What, we've been dating?" He gives him a sleepy shrug. "Couple of weeks I think." Leo's expression grows darker.

"Have know..."

"No!" Sparkles* and I protest at the same time.

"Good. Because you're dead if that happens." I'm going to go ahead and say we should be grateful this is early morning Leo. If he was awake enough to fully comprehend that his sister and best friend had kissed, we would be very screwed. "Look," he sighs. "I have no problems with you two being...a thing. You could have given me a bit of warning, and if you do anything in any way to hurt her-" he points at Sparks*. "-I'm moving her to Australia and bashing your face in with your keytar." Sparkles* raises a hand to his nose, already fearing for his facial features.

"Ok, so we're all good about me and Sparkles*. Can I go sleep now?" I turn towards the door without waiting for either of the boys to give a response.

"Thanks for not killing me man," Sparkles* says to Leo. Leo smirks.

"Just be nice. Or I'll kick your arse!" Leo and I shuffle across the hall back to our own flat and sit back on the sofa in silence, sipping the last of our tea and watching the first rays of sun appear over the top of the opposite buildings. I smile to myself.

I think that went well.

Leo took that really well.

I downloaded the Polyvore app and have been on it tonnes for the last few days. I didn't know fashion could be this addictive. Save me.


Dear Leo (An Area 11 FanFiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang