Chapter Fourty One-Birthday

458 47 8

4th April 2015

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to-"

"Leave me alone!" I whine, shoving Leo away from me. "What time is it?"

"Eight. Nowhere near as early as you woke me up on my birthday."

"Yeah well I deserve a lie in."

"If you lie in and don't get dressed, you don't get presents."

"I am completely awake and out of bed and you will leave now so that I can dress."

I pull on some jeans and a grey unicorn shirt, brush my hair and hop into the living room. Leo waves me over to the sofa, and on the coffee table in front is a cup of tea and a small pile of presents. "Ta da!"

"That's a lot of presents." I glance at the gifts and frown. "You didn't spend too much money, did you?"

"Shut up and open them. I haven't bought you anything for five years, so I'm allowed to do this."

In the end I am surrounded by a horrific amount of wrapping paper (Leo's awful at wrapping), a few CDs, some t shirts, chocolate, books, and a set of really good colouring pencils. "Seriously, this is too much. Thank you!" I pretty much throw myself at
Leo to hug him, and he starts laughing.

"Your birthday's not over yet! The others have bought you presents too!" Ive already gotten about twice the usual amount of gifts, and now he's saying there's more?! This is ridiculous.

~A few hours later~

"Hey, we should head back to mine," Sparkles* suggests, putting an arm around my waist briefly as we leave the cinema, before letting ago again because it's impossible for me to walk with him like that. He took me to see Cinderella as my present, and it was amazing. "I've got something else for you back at the flat."

"You really didn't have to."

"I really did," he insists. "You'll love it, I'm sure you will!" I spend the rest of the journey home trying to get him to tell me what it is, but he keeps telling me it's a surprise. He opens the door to his flat, and makes me go into his room. Laid out on the bed is a beautiful grey lace dress with a ribbon around the waist, and a pair of black ballet pumps. I gasp, and stare at Sparkles*.

"Holy crap, it's gorgeous!" I exclaim, he grins.

"I'll leave you to get dressed, I'll be in the living room." He shuts the door behind him. I put on the dress, and it fits perfectly, the skirt falling an inch or two above my knees. I slip the pumps on and open the door. Sparkles* turns around and his jaw drops a little, making me blush.

"Does it look alright?"

"You look stunning. Like a princess," he kisses me and I laugh at his still slightly stunned look. "it just needs one more thing." He spins me around and loops a chain around my neck. I look down at the pendant as Sparkles* does the clasp at the the back. It's a little silver treble clef and, just like the dress, it's beautiful.

"I love it. I love you," I grin at Sparkles.

"I love you too. Now let's go to yours, there's one more surprise there." He leads me over the hall and knocks on the door. Leo opens it and gestures for us to go in.

The flat is full of people, all friends and the people I consider family. Streamers hang from the ceiling, and the sofa and chairs have been pushed against the walls for a makeshift "dance floor". "Happy birthday!" Leo grins, and people start coming up to me and chatting, and passing me gifts. Someone has set up a playlist of some of my favourite music, and A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" is currently playing. I grin and attempt to join some of the people dancing. I'll admit, I did pretty well for someone who can't walk by themselves at the moment.

It starts to get dark, and by nine a few people start to leave because they have work or somewhere to be tomorrow. A slow song comes on, and Sparkles* appears by my side. "Do you want to dance?" I nod and he puts his hands on my hips, swaying in time to the music.

"Hey moon, please forget to fall down. Hey moon, don't you go down..." he sings softly along to the music. I rest my head on his chest and smile up at him.

"I love you so much Sparkles*," I sigh.

"I love you Grace. I love you, and I am the luckiest man alive because I'm with you." He leans towards me and kisses me. A few people whoop and cheer at us, but I ignore them and kiss back, looping my arms around his neck. He thinks he's the luckiest man, and I must be the luckiest girl. So much shit has happened these past few months, and if it wasn't for Sparkles*, I might not even be here right now. Without him, I wouldn't have lasted this long. I can't imagine life without him anymore, and I hope that never happens.

Everything is perfect, and I wouldn't change anything at all.


Dear Leo,

This is the last time I'm going to write, since I live with you now and everything. I can't believe everything that's been going on.

It all started with me being hit by that car, but that was kind of my fault. I still can't believe that I found you guys. I guess it was kind of stupid to run out into the road...

Then you let me stay, and everything got better. Being with you made everything feel ok, and I started to miss dad less. Sparkles* helped with that too.

When Ethan showed up, you were there for me, and didn't get mad when I didn't tell you straight away. I was so acres when you went missing, Leo. I was so scared he would kill you. I know it was stupid to go looking for you, but I was really worried. But you're safe, and thanks to Sparks*, I am too.

Now Ethan's locked up, and I can finally feel safe and enjoy living here. Thank you. I missed you so much when you left, and now I have you back and I have never been happier.


Grace x

Oh my gosh, this is it. That's the end.

Holy freaking crap.

Thank you guys SO much. Whether you've read from the beginning, waited for updates, or read this all in one go, voted, commented, or just read, thank you so SO much. Each and every one of you reading this is amazing and beautiful and freaking AWESOME. As I'm writing this, Dear Leo has over 8k reads and over 800 votes, which is insane. I never expected that many people to care about something I'd written!

I plan to write more in the future, I have an idea, but chances are it won't be Area 11. But this has been so much fun to write, and thank you again for reading.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Midnight x

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