Chapter Fifteen-Plans

496 37 4

26th January 2015

"NONONONONO WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Leo screams, tilting the controller, and his body, violently to the side in an attempt to make the sharp corner.

"IN YOUR FACE!" I yell back, raising my arms and jumping off the sofa in triumph. "I AM THE CHAMPION OF MARIO KART!" Leo scowls at me as I cheer.

"I demand a rematch!"

"...That was the rematch..."

"Shut up."

In the end we do have another rematch, and I continue to kick ass with Yoshi by my side. Leo keeps coming second no matter what, because I am simply better than him.

"Beaten again!" I yell as someone knocks on the door. A few moments later, Sparkles* and Leo both sit down on the sofa.

"Grace, stop pissing off your brother. He has drumsticks, and they're gonna hurt if he starts hitting you with them."

I frown. "How do you know drumsticks hurt?"

"We're best friends, we've fought a few times. Let's just say that we had a bit of a "music war" and leave it at that..."

"You threw a microphone at my head! You started it!"

Ok, why did they not film that it sounds amazing!

The boys continue arguing while I boil the kettle and get out three mugs. I really need tea. Ever since the other night, where I think I saw Ethan, I've been way more on edge than usual. I really thought I wouldn't ever see him again. He was locked up, for crying out loud! I still wonder sometimes how I coped with him for so long. If Leo had been around, he would have kicked Ethan's arse in a matter of days. I guess I'm just too polite to do that sort of thing to someone I think I care about.

I make the tea and expertly carry all three mugs in one go over to the sofa. "Is there a reason you've decided to grace us with your presence Sparks*?"

"Well," he starts, leaning forward with his Spider-Man mug grasped in both hands. "I decided that we haven't spent enough time together, all five of us. So I am sort of formally inviting you to a sleepover!"

"In other words "Come to the room above the coffee shop so we can hang out and not be lonely," Leo smirks. The look on Sparkles*' face confirms this.

"It'll be awesome! You in?" Both of us nod. We used to do that sort of thing all the time. Meet up at someone's house, eat pizza, play music and generally have a bit of a laugh. Those were the days I lived for, but it never happened anymore after dad... It's clear that Leo is thinking the same as me.

"It'll be just like when we were younger, right?" I smile. "The last time we did that was when I was fifteen." What neither of us say out loud is it was also the night before dad died.

"'s going to be great," he smiles. Sparkles* doesn't seem to twig that we're both a bit down now, and continues grinnng like the weird ginger ray of sunshine that he is. He downs the last of his tea and stands up.

"Sweet, see you two at seven!"

Hope everyone's having a lovely day! If not, it'll get better! I'm not sure where all this positivity is coming from, but WOO! I think it's because I'm listening to Panic! At The Disco and I want to sing it reaalllly loud.

You are all wonderful rays of sunshine!


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